Chapter Fourteen

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The next morning you handed Evelyn her lunch bag as she made her way out the door. You told her to have a good day and waved to Mrs. Grice, Falco and Udo when they pulled up to give Evelyn a ride. You closed the door once Mrs. Grice turned the corner. You went to grab your backpack and sit down while you waited for Marcel to pick you up.

After a few minutes, of scrolling through your phone you heard a car pull up in front of your door. You got up from your seat and put your backpack on. You locked your front door but were surprised to see Porco in front of your house and not Marcel.

"Hey Pock, what are you doing here? Where's Marcel?" You questioned.

"I told him I'd be picking you up and dropping you off from now on," Porco replied nonchalantly.


"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't take my own girlfriend to and from school?"

You laughed and Porco looked at you puzzled.

"You know when you told me you'd get me a boyfriend, I never thought you were referring to yourself."

"Yeah well, I think I'll make a good first boyfriend just like you'll make a good first girlfriend."

You chuckled at his comment and got inside the car.

As Porco turned the corner you said, "So since we're supposed to be dating I think we should go over some ground rules."

"Ground rules?" He questioned not looking away from the road.

"Yeah, like how are we going to handle PDA? Like do we hold hands? Hug? Are we going to have to go out on dates so people see us?"

"Um well," Porco looked unsure of himself, "I'm okay with holding hands and hugging if you are?"

You nodded, "That sounds fine, but what about the other thing?"

"We'll have to go out on dates for appearances and for practice," He reminded you.

"Are people going to expect us to kiss?"

"Probably. If we absolutely have to, we'll kiss each other on the cheek and the forehead. Only if you're okay with that," He said quickly, "I'll only do it if you're okay with it, the last thing I want to do is make you feel uncomfortable."

You thought it about it for a few seconds before saying, "I'm okay with that, just give me a heads up before you do it."

"How do you suppose I do that?"

"I don't know," You shrugged, "Tap my elbow three times and that'll be my heads up and then you can kiss me. And I can do the same to you."

"Sounds good to me."

"What's our story?"


"Like what do we tell people when they ask our relationship? Like why we started dating? When did we catch feelings for each other? Who caught feelings first?"

"It's a tale as old as time. Boy meets girl. Boy likes girl. Boy wins her heart with his good looks and charm. They start dating. The end."

"How original," You frowned.

"I think the simpler we go the better. The more complicated the story is, the easier it'll be to screw something up over the details."

"I guess you're right."

Porco parked the car and the two of you got out of it. He intertwined his fingers in yours and walked you to your locker.

"So your dad is coming home today right?" Porco asked as you opened your locker.

"Yeah, why? What's up?" You tilted your head slightly as you tried to figure out what was going through Porco's head.

"I was just making sure you didn't have to watch Evelyn because I was wondering if you could over to my house tomorrow after school? I'll explain why tomorrow."

"I'll come over," You reassured him.

The bell rang and you closed your locker.

"Let me walk you to class," Porco said.

You nodded. As you walked down the hallway, you noticed there was a lot less people people staring at you than there was yesterday. You breath a sigh of relief. You got to class and Porco walked off.

When lunch time rolled around, you went to meet Marcel and Colt at the usual table. When you got there, the boys were already waiting for you along with Porco and all of his friends. Porco stood up from his seat and went to stand next to you.

"Y/n you know Reiner, Bertholdt, Zeke and of course Annie," Porco said, "everyone, this is my girlfriend, Y/n."

"Hello," You smiled as you and Porco sat down next to each other.

"Hey," They all greeted you at once.

"So Y/n, tell us what made you go out with Porco?" Reiner asked.

"I lost a bet so I had to go on a date with him," You said feigning sadness.

"Y/n!" Porco exclaimed

"Oh that's right! I'm sorry, Porco doesn't like it when I refer to it as losing because since I have him I'm real winner," You chuckled.

"Okay but seriously, Porco won my heart with his good looks and charm," You said before you winked at Porco.

"She's pretty, has a good sense of humor and puts up with your annoying ass. She's way out of your league," Reiner teased Porco.

"Yeah I know," Porco responded, "Which is also how I know she even further out of your league."

"Awe Pock, you really think I'm out of your league?" You joked.

"Pock?!" Reiner shouted.

"Is there something wrong?" You questioned.

"It's just that the one time Reiner tried to call Porco 'Pock', Porco told us to never call him that while giving us a death stare and then threatened to disembowel us. He said he doesn't do well with nicknames," Bertholdt chimed in.

"You said you liked it when I call you Pock," You said to Porco, his arm suddenly wrapped around your shoulders.

"I do. But when one of them call me Pock I don't," He explained, a faint blush dusting his cheeks, "And in my defense, Reiner did not call me Pock, he called me Porky."

"Porco is playing favorites. Get use to it," Zeke said looking at Reiner and Bertholdt.

You laughed and then the conversation shifted to what everyone's plans were for the week. At some point the bell rang and Porco walked you to your next class with Marcel and Colt trailing behind since they had the same class as you.

At the end of the school day, Porco drove you home. You noticed your father's car in the driveway and ran to your front door, Porco walking right behind you. He said goodbye to you at the door and then headed home. When you got inside you immediately went to greet your father. Your sister heard the commotion and came out of her room. After catching up, you told your father that you'd be at Porco's house tomorrow after school. Your sister and father shared a look.

"What was that?" You asked them.

"What was what?" Evelyn asked, acting innocent.

"The look the two of you shared."

"We didn't share any look."

"I think you're imagining things sweetie, why don't you set the table so we can eat dinner. I made all your and your sister's favorites," Your father started walking towards the kitchen.

You didn't object, thinking he was probably right. You went to set the table and have dinner with your family. The day came to an end faster than you expected and when it came for you to laid down in bed, you found that falling asleep is hard when you have a lot of lies on your mind.

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