Chapter Thirty-Three

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You stared at yourself in the bathroom mirror as Evelyn finished styling her hair next to you. Marcel and Colt would be arriving any minute to pick you and Evelyn up and take the both of you to meet your mother for dinner. Your father had offered to drive you and Evelyn but the two of you decided it would probably be best that your father stayed home and not risk a run in with your mother. Marcel and Colt were more than happy to accompany you and Evelyn when you asked them.

You let out a shaky breath, "Are you ready?"

"Are you asking if I'm done with my hair or if I'm ready for dinner with our estranged mother?" She quipped but her expression seemed unreadable.

"Both. Maybe the second question a little more."

"Not really. I don't what to expect from her."

"Same here but I guess the best thing for us to do is go in with no expectations at all. No expectations equals no disappointment at least I hope it does."

"Well, if you start to get uncomfortable or upset let me know and I'll fake a stomach ache to get us out of there," She joked but there was a glint in her eyes that say she would actually do it.

"I'm the older sister, if anything I'll be the one getting us out of there."

Evelyn shook her head, "You'll try to give her the benefit of the doubt and hear her out. I know you. Let's just get this free dinner and get out before any of us make a scene."

"Don't you have questions for her? Don't you want answers?"

"Not the way you do. I don't remember what's it's like to have a mother. But you do. Her words will bring you the closure I've never needed."

Your voice softened, "Evelyn..."

"You can't miss what you never had. I love her because she was my mother for at least a little while but I don't miss her. I don't wish for her to be in my life if she doesn't want to. I'll listen to what she has to say but she never wounded me the way she did you."

"It's okay if still hurts you even if you don't remember her much. Her absence can still hurt you."

"I know and sometimes it does. But I at least had you all these years to help me make the wound a little smaller and a little shallower. I think that made it a little easier to forgive her. I think I did that a long time ago."

You wrapped your arms around your sister and she hugged you back. She pulled away after a minute and you smiled at her, "You helped me too you know."

"Now I do," She walked passed you and into the hallway, "Come on, I think I heard a car outside and it's probably Colt and Marcel."

You followed your sister to the front door where your father gave you each a hug before you and Evelyn opened the door and walked towards Marcel's car. You opened your door and got in the backseat. Immediately you heard Marcel and Colt bickering.

"We should tell her," Colt whispered rather loudly.

"Should we? Do you think she wants to know? What good does it if she knows?" Marcel's grip on the steering wheel tightened.

Colt turned around in his seat and smiled wearily at you and Evelyn, "Hey champs."

"Champs? Seriously?" Marcel scoffed.

"Marcel has something to say," Colt snapped at Marcel.

Marcel narrowed his eyes at Colt but his expression softened when he turned to face you, "The other day when we got back from the mall, I overheard Porco talking to my parents. He told them that he broke up with Pieck. I don't know if I should have told you sooner or if you even wanted to know at all."

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