Chapter Twenty

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"I told you this last time Marcel! Y/n is Strawberry Shortcake because Evelyn is Apple Dumplin, you're Blueberry Muffin, Ymir is Raspberry Torte, Historia is Lemon Meringue and I'm Huckleberry Pie," Colt ranted.

You had only spaced out for a minute before being snapped back into reality by Colt's and Marcel's conversation about characters from the children's cartoon Strawberry Shortcake where each human character was named after a pastry.

"Conversations like this one are why girls don't go out with you," Marcel laughed.

"It's true. You get like zero bitches," You said before taking a sip of your drink.

The three of you were sitting down while Ymir took her turn bowling and Historia went to exchange her bowling shoes for a different size. It had been a little over a week since your anniversary with Porco and the two went about your usual routine. A few days ago you encouraged him to hang out with his friends on the weekend since Zeke was most likely going to invite Pieck to join in whatever they planned on doing. So Saturday morning you asked your friends if they wanted to go bowling in the afternoon while Porco spent the day with Pieck. His other friends would be there too but you knew his attention would be on her and that fact was starting to bother you.

"For your information, I don't care about getting a lot girls because I only want the girl. My true love who I have yet to meet," Colt clarified, eyes twinkling.

"Oh Colt, ever the hopeless romantic," Historia said as she sat down next to you.

Marcel got up to take his turn, high-fiving Ymir after she got a strike. You checked your phone to see if you had any text messages from Porco. Nothing.

"I'm surprised you're not with your boy toy today Y/n. The two of you have been attached at the hip since you've started dating," Ymir commented, pulling your attention away from your thoughts.

"We are not attached at the hip," You defended.

"Oh come on. He takes you to school, he takes you home, you have lunch together, you're over at his house all the time or he's at yours on weekdays and weekends."

"Okay so we spend a lot time together, there's no harm in it. May I remind you that we're also partners for a science project so I think that time is warranted."

"Well, I for one don't think it's as excessive as Ymir is making it out to be. And I think the two of you really compliment each other," Historia grinned.

"Thanks Historia," You smiled back.

"And it's not like you and Historia are any better," Marcel came to your defense.

"That's different, we've been together for three years and we're in love," Ymir stated in a tone that could only be described as matter-of-factly.

"Porco and Y/n could be in love. We don't know," Colt jumped in.

Marcel turned to look at him, "They've only started dating a little over a month ago."

"Love does not know time and time does not determine love," Colt sighed happily.

"What's this one yapping about?" Ymir rolled her eyes.

"Just so we're all clear on this, Porco and I are not in love," You told the group.

"Yet," Colt gave you a knowing look.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. Let's talk about something that's actually important," Ymir interjected while stealing some of Colt's nachos.

"Yours and Porco's birthday is in a month. How do you plan on celebrating?" Historia directed her question to Marcel.

At the mention of Porco, you checked your phone again. Nope. Still no messages from him.

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