Chapter Three

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"So what did you guys decide to do your project on?" You asked while taking out the lunch you packed.

It was Monday following the first week of school and you were having lunch with Marcel and Colt.

"Zeke decided we should do an environmental case study on the whaling industry," Colt shrugged, "I'm letting him take the lead on this."

"My partner and I haven't met up yet. We're planning to meet up on Wednesday. We'll work in my room and won't bother you and Porco," Marcel answered.

"You never told me who your partner is." You looked at Marcel.

"I got paired up with Pieck, Pieck Finger. You know her right?"

Pieck? What are the chances? You thought.

"Yeah I had a class with her last year."

Marcel nodded, "Are you coming over today to work on the project?"

"Yeah, my dad doesn't have to leave town until Saturday afternoon so he can watch Evelyn this week."

"Your little sister scares me sometimes. Remember freshman year when I was failing French and she offered to find out some dirt on my French teacher so we could blackmail her. I told her that wasn't necessary but then two days later my grade magically went up and I was passing," Colt shivered like he got a chill down his spine.

"You dumbass, Y/n's little sister didn't blackmail your French teacher. Mrs. Dupont just graded all the work you begged her to accept late," Marcel slapped the back of Colt's head.

"I don't know, the timing is definitely suspicious," Colt narrowed his eyes.

Marcel rolled his eyes and you let out a small laugh. The bell rang signaling the end of lunch and the three of you got up from the table. After throwing your trash away, you made your way to class with Marcel and Colt in tow.

After school, Marcel and you dropped Colt off at his house before heading to the Galliard residence. Porco was already there waiting for you in his room as he had drove straight home from school. You walked into Porco's room where you found him sitting on his bed.

"Hey Porco," You smiled.

"Hey Y/n," He replied as you sat down in his desk chair.

"So have you figured out a way to talk to Pieck when she comes over on Wednesday?"

Porco looked puzzled, "What do you mean she's coming over Wednesday?"

"She's Marcel's partner for the science project. She coming over here to work on it."

Porco's expression goes from puzzled to panicked in less than a second.

"Y/n you gotta help me talk to her."

"How am I supposed to do that? I've only had one class with her all of high school. I'm not even sure if she remembers who I am."

"Please. I really like her and I don't what I'm going to do. Please."

Porco looked really sincere and he said please twice.

"Alright, I'll do it-"

"Thank you."

"Let me finish. I'll do it in exchange for sixty bucks," You smiled.

"You're kidding," Porco frowned.

"I'm not."

"I'll give you ten."




"Twenty and a pack of gum."

"You sir have got yourself a deal," You stuck your hand out for him to shake. He took it gingerly.

"So what's your plan?"

"I'll debrief you on it once I have it together."
It was currently Wednesday and you were sitting in your government class. Porco had sent you a text message last night and this morning asking if he could know what the plan was. You ignored both messages. In all honesty you had a plan, you just didn't know how well it would work. The bell for lunch rang and you hurried out of the classroom to meet Marcel and Colt. As you sat down at your usual lunch table you scanned the cafeteria, hoping to avoid being spotted by Porco.

"Are you okay Y/n? You look a little jumpy," Colt looked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine," You assured him.

After the first ten minutes of lunch went by you finally started to relax and join in the conversation Marcel and Colt were having. That was a mistake because the second you got lost in the conversation, someone pulled out the chair next to you.

"Why have you been ignoring my texts?" Porco asked, eyes focused on you.

You saw Marcel and Colt exchange confused glances. Porco turned to look at them.

"Can we have a moment of privacy?" Porco asked them.

"Yes of course," Marcel answered.

Then Marcel and Colt proceeded to hold their napkins in front of their faces like they were curtains.

"Is this private enough for you?" Colt asked.

Porco rolled his eyes, "Let's go."

You stood up and he grabbed your hand, leading you out of the cafeteria. Once the two of you reached the hallway, he released your hand.

"Spill it," he spoke with slight annoyance.

"Ok, here's the thing, I didn't mean to ignore you. It just sorta happened because I don't know if the plan I came up with will work."

Porco scowled, "Let me hear it."

"Ok so first, I would convince Marcel to work on the project in the kitchen so that we could go down there with the excuse of grabbing a drink or a snack. Then I would ask for Marcel's help in another room giving you the chance to talk to Pieck." You smiled, the plan sounded a lot better now than it did yesterday.


"And what? You talk to her."

"About what?"

"What do you mean about what? This is your chance to find out what qualities she likes in a guy she actually wants to date and then show her you have those qualities. She thinks you're her Mr. Right and bam you ask her out and she says yes."

"Okay that plan doesn't sound like it totally sucks."

"Thanks I guess?"

"I'll see you later."

Porco headed back towards the cafeteria.

"What about my twenty dollars and pack of gum?" You called out to him.

"You'll get them after she says yes."

Man I'm never going to get those twenty dollars.

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