Chapter Sixteen

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"My dad wants you to come over for dinner tomorrow," You blurted out once you were inside Porco's room.

"Tomorrow?" Porco sounded concerned.

"Yeah, he leaving town for work again next week so he wants to have dinner on Friday. He said he wants to get to know the guy his daughter's dating."

"Fair enough."

"But don't worry, we'll go over how to make a good impression."

Porco nodded.

"We can count this as lesson number... I don't know I've lost track."

You looked at Porco expecting him to tell you what lesson number you were on but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay well the first thing you want to do is dress nicely. Show interest in what the parents and siblings say. Share your goals. Don't lose confidence. Oh and don't show empty handed. All the articles I read really stressed that part."

Porco let a small chuckle.

"What's so funny?" You questioned.

"How many articles do you read?"

"I read eight. Don't laugh, I told you I don't have personal experience so if I have to use other people's advice so be it."

Porco put his hands up in surrender, "It's not like I can judge."

"So for your outfit I was thinking-"

"That's enough learning for today. Let's go do something fun!"

"Don't you want to prepare for tomorrow?"

"I think I'm ready."

"What did you have in mind in then?"

"Let's go swimming in the pool in the backyard."

"I didn't bring a swimsuit."

"You could always skinny dip," He teased.

"You would like that wouldn't you?" You joked.

"Very much so," Porco smirked.

"What else do you got?"

"We could go for some sundaes."

"I like that idea better."

"But we have to make a stop at your house first."


"Because you promised me a picture of you and you still haven't delivered on that promise."

"Ugh. Do we have to do that right now?"


Porco took you home and waited in the car while you looked for a photo to give him. Your sister found you looking through the box of photos in your room and sat down to help after you explained to her what you were doing. She found a picture that she liked and insisted that it be the one you give to Porco. You didn't put up much of a fight since it was a picture that you actually liked. It was taken during the summer. Colt, Marcel and you along with a few others drove out to the nearest lake for the weekend and Marcel had snapped a picture of you smiling with the lake behind you. You thanked your sister and ran out of your house to Porco's car.

"Here you go," You handed the photo over to Porco.

Porco didn't respond for a few seconds, he stared intensely at the photo. You felt a pit in your stomach that only grew as each second passed. After another few seconds passed, you couldn't sit in the silence any longer.

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