Chapter 1

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Everything was smoking or burning as I arrived back in Pearl the day after the attack. Crowds cheered me as I entered the harbor. I shook my head. "I didn't do anything, why are they cheering?" I muttered.

"Because, you're still in the fight and with you, we have a chance." Halsey replied. "The end of one age and the beginning of another." I sighed. For years, navies had wondered about the battleship's supremacy on the seas. Pearl Harbor had made the final decision. From now on, the carrier would be the ultimate decider in modern warfare.

Nevada was sitting comfortably on the bank. "Enjoying the sun?" I asked. "Ha, ha." She muttered. "You gave it a good try. How many hits did you take?" I asked. "At least 5 bombs and 7 torpedoes." She replied. I whistled. "It'd just take one to finish me." I said. "With all that aviation fuel, uh yeah!" She said. I laughed. "You'd better be back out there, I need a battleship in my task force." I growled. "Sooner than you think, I want some revenge." She replied.

Solace and Vestal were working like crazy to get everyone patched up. While Solace took aboard a load of injured sailors and marines, Vestal was everywhere at once. Despite a ruptured hull and several severe burn marks from her proximity to Arizona when she blew up, she continued to work. Hoga, a harbor tug did the same.

"I felt them, I should've known." She moaned. "You're too young to understand what the static in the water meant. How could you have known?" California replied. Vestal approached her with a bundle of herbs in her mouth.

California shrank away from her. "Oh no, save those for the others. Tennessee and Oklahoma need it more than me." She said. "You're injured too, you need them. How can you fight if you're not healed? Now hold still and let me do my job!" She ordered. California glared at Vestal as she applied the poluse to her wounds.

"You are one annoying little tug, you know that?" She growled. "I do try." Vestal replied. She looked at Arizona and sighed. "It wasn't your fault, Vestal." I said. "But if I stayed, I could've saved her." She moaned. "Her wound was mortal, she knew that and you know that. There was nothing you could've done." I growled.

Over in dry-dock, Pennsylvania nodded her agreement. "No matter what you could've done, it wouldn't have made any difference." She said, her voice hollow. I looked at her sympathetically. She turned away.

As Arizona's deputy, Pennsylvania was now leader of the fleet. I took orders from her now. I won't deny the sense of dread that I felt. Pennsylvania was not only in command now, she was also Arizona's sister. I was afraid that her sister's death would cloud her judgment and endanger us all.

She seemed to know what I was thinking. "The fleet comes first En, I know that as well as you." She assured me. I nodded. "Sorry." I said. "Its fine, I understand." She replied.

I nodded and left to dock. From my berth, I could see Battleship Row across the island, or what was left of it. West Virginia and California were sunk as was Maryland. Tennessee and Oklahoma had capsized and Nevada was stuck on the beach.

Bubbles fluttered up from where Tennessee was and I knew that she was trying to say something. I moved closer. "What was that, I couldn't hear you?" I asked. She let loose with a string of cuss words. "Those goddamn Japs, I bet they're all now taking naps. When I find them, I'll send them to the bottom!" She growled. I laughed. "I'm sure you will." I replied.

"Could you flip me, En? I don't like being on this end." She asked. Lowering my head, I flipped her back on an even keel but at once she began to sink again. I had to hold her upright. "Thanks En, I owe you again." She said. I grinned. "You owe me nothing but a victory!" I replied. "I think we all owe Japan that." Nevada called.

Vestal was pushing her off the bank and towing her to dry-dock. Pennsylvania was launched to make room for her. "Pennsy there's no need for that, you're hurt too." Nevada complained, glancing at Pennsylvania's bleeding wounds. "I'll heal. You're more hurt than I am." She replied.

"Enterprise, could you flip me too?" Oklahoma called. Smiling, I did as she asked. "Thanks." She gasped. "Yep." I replied and gave her a fierce nudge that sent her flying into one of the empty dry-docks. "Was that really necessary?" She asked. "That was payback for your attitude." I replied. "Ok, so we're even now?" She asked. "I suppose we are." I replied.

"Humph" Was her response. Before I could say anything more, Hoga came racing back up the channel. "Pennsy, you better come quickly." She ordered. She whirled back around and raced off with Pennsylvania close behind. Curious, I followed her.

Solace still had a full load of wounded men but one look at her told me that although she may've rescued them, she could not save herself. "Solace." Pennsylvania whispered her eyes wide with horror.

Solace had been fleet healer since the last world war. She was invaluable and losing her now was a cruel blow to us. Vestal raced over to her mentor. Solace whispered something to her.

Pennsylvania approached them. Solace turned to look at her leader and I saw a large gash on her starboard side, blood pouring from the wound. Pennsylvania's blue eyes turned dark from some long past memory. "Why didn't you say anything?" She whispered. "How could I, there are men to treat?" Solace replied, coughing.

"Vestal, you know what to do." She ordered. "Solace, please I need you." Vestal looked at Pennsylvania. "We all need you." The leader begged. Solace sighed.

"I'm old Pennsy, it was only a matter of time." She rasped. Vestal embraced her mentor and Solace gave one last sigh before she died in her apprentice's arms. Blinking back tears, Vestal gently set Solace down and nuzzled her. "Goodbye, old friend." She whispered.

I bowed my head. After witnessing the destruction that the Japanese brought here, and seeing the horrific death of her sister, Pennsylvania lost it. Whirling around, she raced out of the harbor and into the open Pacific, yowling "Death to Japan"! I didn't try and stop her.

The Iowa Sisters #1 Pacific FireWhere stories live. Discover now