Chapter 20

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I was dozing comfortably in the late spring sun when I heard a ship's horn. Looking up, I saw Tirpitz entering the harbor, dropping anchor just inside the entrance. Sighing, I made my way out to her, Traffic close beside me.

"You coming, Traffic?" I asked. "I'm right behind you, Nomadic." She replied, panting. "Maybe you should rest and let me handle this one." I suggested. "What? Handle a Bismarck-class battleship on your own? No way" She exclaimed.

"You know as well as I that Tirpitz is not who she appears to be anymore." I snapped. "Ok, point taken." She sighed. "Go back, Traffic I don't want you to work anymore than you have to." I snapped. "No!" She said simply.

I gritted my teeth together. When the Germans invaded Cherbourg, the French locals tried to scuttle Traffic unsuccessfully. Since then, she'd come down with a mild form of Dustcough. I told her to take it easy but she was determined to help me with our work.

As I approached Tirpitz, the battleship gave me a friendly wink. "Don't listen to me when I yell, ok?" She asked. I nodded. "Pick it up there missy, crew don't wait all day." She snapped.

"Yes Tirpitz." I replied and quickly unloaded the battleships' crew. "Listen to the master." She whispered as I pulled away. I nodded. "Understood." I replied and sailed back to shore.

"I'm waiting." I hissed quietly to Captain Kier. "Be at Omaha on the 6th." He said. "It's time, isn't it?" I asked. "Yep." He said simply. "You'll travel with us into the Channel. We'll provide cover until were about 50 miles south of Southampton, Aquitania will take over from there." He explained. "An escape." I muttered. "Be ready to go when we call you." He said.

"Yes sir." I replied and feeling quite satisfied, I raced them over to the dock. "You better be back here by 6:00 tonight." Captain Kier snapped, sounding every bit the German officer he was. "Yes sir." I replied, sounding every bit the discontented French-English liner I was before turning around back to my dock.

Just for effect, I gave the captain a few choice words of mine. "One of these days Mr. Kier, I'll see your disgusting, slimy seaworm of a head on a spike. Good day, limpykeel." I hissed. Tirpitz winced. "Quite unnecessary, Nomadic!" She called. I glared at her. "That's what you Germans get for invading my home." I snarled and raced inside the bomb shelter that was set up for me and Traffic.

"Nice one." Traffic whispered in my ear. "Thanks." I replied. "So, when do we get out of this place?" She asked. "We're going to escape to Britain, tonight." I replied. "And on the 6th, we're off to act our own part in the play at Normandy." I explained. "Well it's about time." She muttered. "Do you know how strong the force is going to be?" She asked. "Tirpitz didn't give me any details." I replied.

"Just as long as there's a German butt-kicking invasion, I don't care how big it is, as long as it succeeds." She said. "Agreed." I said. I pressed against her. "For four years we've waited for this time." I whispered. "And now, we're going home." Traffic whispered back.

Brushing my bow against her side, I detected the wave of heat that her hull gave off. "Traffic." I whispered. She shrugged. "It's fine Nomadic." She said. "Traffic, if you don't rest and get that temperature down, you could very well be stuck here." I hissed. She grunted. "Ok, ok. If you want me to rest, I'll rest." She muttered. Leaning against me, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I woke her at 5:50 that evening. "It's time to go." I whispered. She nodded, yawning and followed me out to the docks where Captain Kier and some of his officers awaited us. "Ok, as soon as you put us on board, hide in our lee. It's a blind spot for the station on shore, we'll maneuver to keep you hidden until we clear the horizon." He said.

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