Chapter 15

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I didn't need to see what had happened or hear Musashi's two words "Yammamoto's dead" to know what had happened. The icy grip of despair clenched around me. I had expected America to grow in strength but I had never expected them to target Yammamoto like that. It was low, even for them.

"Why?" I whispered. Musashi opened her mouth to reply then thought better of it. There were two answers to my question. There was the logical answer. "They're ticked, we attacked them and they want the mastermind behind that attack." But that wasn't the question I was asking. I was asking the question that all would ask in a situation like this. "In god's name why?" Musashi had no answer for that, no one did.

I bowed my head, unable to hold back the sobs that escaped me. Musashi brushed against me. "Shh, it'll be ok." She whispered. "Musashi, it's time." Her captain said. I let her go. "Do you need an escort?" I asked. She shook her head. "This is one mission that I must do alone." She replied and left.

I watched her go. "Yamato." A hesitant voice whispered. I whirled around to face Vestal. "How could you?" I snarled. Vestal met my livid gaze evenly. "I'm a healer Yamato, I heal not kill. I had nothing to do with it." She replied.

"Tell that to your lightning strikers." I retorted. "Admiral Yammamoto should've realized he was a target after he attacked Pearl Harbor. It was a cowardly sneak attack that even he himself was wary of. He knew what would happen when he did it yet he did it anyway and now he's paid the price for his mistake." She shot back.

"Leave Vestal, and don't ever let me see your face around here again." I growled dangerously. "If it's a fight you're looking for, you may as well fight me." She replied. "I could never harm a healer." I whispered, backing up a few paces. "If you want to avenge your precious admiral I daresay there wouldn't be a better opportunity than right now." She taunted.

That did it, my anger overcame my self-control and with a bloodcurdling snarl, I lunged at Vestal. She met my challenge in midair and as we came back down, I gave her a fierce hit that sent her sprawling.

She grunted as she got back to her feet. "Good, very good." She praised me as though this were just a training session. "What else can you do?" She asked.

I yowled and charged again. This time, Vestal dodged nimbly to one side and as I raced past her she rammed her head against me. Force of the blow was enough to bend my propeller shaft and open a large hole in my starboard quarter which is where she'd hit me.

The watertight doors were closed at once but two compartments had been breached. It was just like Olympic and Hawke. My yowl was a mixture of pain and fury. I whirled around to face Vestal again but the healer was simply standing there with a bemused look on her face. "Had enough Yamato?" She asked.

I leaped at her in response. This time, I was on target and I quickly had her pinned. She writhed around underneath me and I struggled to keep a good grip on her. I reared up and smashed down on her repeatedly. Each time, she gave a howl of agony. To a vengeful ship like me, it was music to my ears.

"That's what you get. That's what all you Americans will get." I snarled. Vestal's side was completely covered in blood and sea foam but she managed to focus on me with dull green eyes. "Revenge will always bounce back on you Yamato." She whispered. I pretended I didn't hear her and reared up for the killing blow. "Yamato, no!" Musashi yowled as she slammed into me, bowling me over. I can't say for certain if I was either too shocked to fight back or refused to do so. Either way, Musashi quickly had me knocked down.

"Stay there." She snarled and raced over to Vestal. The American healer was struggling to get up. Each time she tried, she fell heavily back onto her side. "Oh god, Vestal." Musashi whispered. "What did my sister do to you?" Vestal grunted. "It's not her fault, I pushed her over the edge. I should've known better." She replied. She coughed and I saw her spit blood into the water.

I shook my head a few times, trying to clear it from the red haze that surrounded it. I'd nearly killed Vestal. I'd nearly killed a healer. Remembering the latest addition to the naval code I realized I nearly broke that as well. Plus, it was my intention to do so. If Musashi hadn't stepped in when she did, I would've done it.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault." I wailed and raced back home. "Yamato wait!" Musashi cried. Vestal sighed. "Let her be Musashi, she needs time. I should've realized that when I went to talk to her." She said.

Musashi helped her back onto an even keel. "Thank you." She rasped. She staggered as she tried to move forward. "Steady, you've lost a lot of blood." Musashi ordered. "I have to be back by nightfall." Vestal told her.

"That won't be a problem, I'll take you there. Lean on me Vestal." Musashi ordered. Still groaning, Vestal did. I returned to escort them. I kept my distance though. "Tell your sister to come over here. Having her staring at us from a distance is getting a little creepy." Vestal asked Musashi.

"Yamato, if you're going to stare you may as well come over here." Musashi called. Sighing, I got the jest and fell in beside my sister. "No, on my starboard side." Vestal ordered. I stared at her. "I'd rather keep my distance." I snapped.

"What, don't want to admire your handiwork up close?" Vestal asked. "Vestal!" Musashi exclaimed. "What, it's true!" The healer retorted. Reluctantly, I did what she asked trying hard to ignore the strong smell of blood. Although her side was lightly covered with gauze, I could still see it leaking out.

"Vestal, I..." I whispered. "Spare me." She growled. "I know why you did it and I know you're not sorry anyway." I winced. "But I am, oh gods I am sorry Vestal. I should never have attacked you like that." I moaned. "You were trying to preserve your leader's honor. It's what you samurai's do best right?" She asked. I had to smile at that. "Yeah, I suppose you're right." I conceded.

We slowed to a halt when we reached the border. Recently, it was a shorter run to this invisible line. Just a few months earlier, our waters extended another 100 miles outward. I couldn't quite hide the sense of dread that I felt. "Does winning really matter to you?" Vestal asked, fixing me with a penetrating stare. Musashi copied her.

"If you'd asked me this question a few months earlier, I would've known what my answer was." I replied. Vestal sighed. "You'll know, in time you'll know." She murmured. She nuzzled me. "Stay safe young warrior." She whispered and turned for home.

Musashi faced me. "Here, I think you should have this." She handed me a small closed jar. "Since I carried it from Bruin, it's only fair that you carry it home." She whispered. My eyes widened. "Musashi, no I can't." I whispered. "Come now sis, don't be shy." She teased.

I nodded and gently took Yammamoto's ashes from her. I put them in my captain's cabin which was fiercely protected on all sides by my armor. Nothing could harm him there. I sighed tiredly and pressed against my sister. She pressed back. "Come on sis, let's go home." I ordered.

Side by side, we turned 1800 and sailed for home, the setting sun at our backs. "How prophetic." I thought. Indeed, within two years Japan would have no home waters and surrender would be inevitable.

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