Chapter 8

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For years the Japanese had wanted Guadalcanal as their own. Like Midway, it was an important point, strategically of attack. From here, they could launch airstrikes against our outposts in Australia and the New Hebrides.

After a continuous buildup of our forces following Pearl Harbor, we were now ready to launch our first offensive strike of the war. Understandably, all the ships wanted to be part of it.

"Please, oh please, oh please can I come!" Nevada begged, circling around me. California and West Virginia joined in. "Please, please, please!" They sang. "Please, please, please!" I rolled my eyes. "Yes, you can come." I said. They squealed with delight. "Oh yes, yes, yes!" They cheered. "Thank you, Northampton. Thank you" They yowled and hugged me. They raced off. I laughed.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say those were sailboats, not battleships." Maryland said. "Tell me about it." I muttered. "They're just eager." She assured me. "I know that, but I wish they'd show some maturity." I replied.

Nevada and California were now engaging in an aggressive play fight in the middle of the harbor. "Take it outside!" I ordered. They heard me and raced off, California nipping at Nevada's flanks. I sighed. "Take it easy, save your energy for the Japanese." I called. They flicked their stern flags in response. "Ok that's it!" I yowled and raced off after them. They squealed in fright and sped up, trying to run away.

"I'll teach you to flip me off." I growled and pounced on Nevada, pinning her underneath my keel below the surface. California came up from behind and pushed me off Nevada before flipping me over. "Who's the flipped one now?" She asked smugly, righting Nevada and pinning me.

"You irritating little seaworm!" I yowled. "Temper, temper." California teased. I struggled underneath her. "Let me go you rockybowed birdstern. You seagulldeck, get your disgusting barnacle keel off me." I growled. My string of cuss words appeared as a bunch of bubbles on the surface. "I think she's getting ticked off." Nevada said cheekily.

"Agreed, let's go." California said. Nevada jumped off me and raced off. Maryland stayed behind to help me back on an even keel. "Thanks, Mary." I said. She nodded. "You ok?" She asked when I winced. "I think so, it's been bothering me since Midway. I might've pulled something." I replied. "Well I wouldn't be surprised if that were true, dealing with those rockybows." She said, looking at Nevada and California who were now trying to sneak up on Enterprise.

"Oh this'll be good." I muttered. Maryland nodded her agreement, her eyes eager as she watched the battle unfold. If Enterprise heard the two battleships approaching, she gave no sign. They were just about to pounce when she whirled around with a roar. Nevada and California squealed in fright and raced off, Enterprise right behind them.

"Get them, En." Tennessee cried. Enterprise did not disappoint. She pounced on Nevada. "Not again!" The battleship groaned. When California tried to flip Enterprise over like she did with me, she found that she couldn't. "That may work with a cruiser or destroyer but I'm an aircraft carrier. You need to find a different way to flip me." California's eyes lit up. "No, I'm not telling you." Enterprise said.

"You have to figure it out for yourself." Maryland added. California nodded and turned back to Enterprise. "Anytime now." The aircraft carrier taunted. With a yowl, California launched herself at Enterprise.

Enterprise batted her away, sending her flying across the water. The battleship slowly righted herself, prepared to launch another attack. "That's enough!" I ordered. "Thank you for the lesson Enterprise but California needs to save her energy for the main event, as do you." I said. Enterprise dipped her head.

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