Chapter 15: Planning

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3rd Pov

It was now later in the evening, the ORC and were gathered in the club room. Most of the members were lounging around while Rias was scolding (Y/N) about what had happened earlier.

Rias: Seriously, (Y/N). Why didn't you stop Xenvovia or Akeno sooner rather than later? You've faced god-like beings and you faint from a woman?

(Y/N): It's not my fault! Sure, I've had women flirt with me or even make advances on me, but they've never gone that far. The worst it's ever gotten before this was Aphrodite hounding me for a week, and even then, she at least kept her clothes on. It's not every day women practically throw themselves naked at you.

Xenovia then cut into their conversation with her own comment.

Xenovia: But it wasn't lust, we were trying to make a baby.

(Y/N):*Blushing* We were not! You were trying to force yourself onto me!

They were interrupted by a white magic circle that appeared on the ground near the entrance of the room. It gave off a flash of light that died down to reveal Sirzechs and Grayfia.

Sirzechs: This seems like a good time, is there an event going on?

Rias: Brother! What are you doing here?

Kiba, Koneko, and Akeno bowed to Sirzechs while (Y/N), Asia and Xenovia remained standing. (Y/N) didn't bow because he didn't want to, while Asia and Xenovia hadn't met him yet. Sirzechs took notice of those who stood and addressed them.

Sirzechs:*To Asia* You must be Asia Argento, the maiden with the gift of Twilight Healing, correct?

Asia: um, yes sir!

Sirzechs: I've been told you've been taking good care of my sister and her peerage. There's really no need to be nervous, I'm just here for business.

Rias: What business?

Xenovia once again interrupted yet another conversation and introduced herself to the Devil King.

Xenovia: It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Xenovia.

Sirzechs: The pleasure is all mine Ms. Xenovia. I found it rather hard to believe when I had heard the Wielder of Durandal had joined my sister. And how are you settling in, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Just fine, It's nice to be back in the town I grew up in. The best part: No annoying perverted brother to deal with.

Sirzechs: Glad to hear you're doing fine. Now, Rias, what did you ask me?

Rias: What exactly your business is here now?

Sirzechs: Do you really not know? It's almost time for Open House.

Rias: WHAT?! No, you can't! Who told you?!

Sirzechs: Grayfia did.

While Rias was steaming, (Y/N) was behind her trying to hold in his laughter.

Sirzechs: Oh, I almost forgot. Father will be there too. And your mother is going to be there as well, (Y/N).

(Y/N) immediately stopped laughing when he heard his mother was going to be there, making the other devils laugh at him.

Rias: That aside, you can't just come here whenever you want! You're the Devil King, you still have responsibilities.

Sirzechs: Sorry Rias, but this counts as work too. Your school is the perfect place for us to hold our summit here.

The entire peerage was shocked to hear that their school was going to house the most powerful beings in the world.

Rias: Of all places, why here?!

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