Chapter 21: Second Vision

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3rd Pov, Dream (Oh boi! Season three here we go!)

(Y/N) was floating in the infinite abyss of space, with his eyes closed. He slowly opened this and realized where he was. He looked up and around him with wide eyes.

???: Welcome to my domain, (Y/N).

(Y/N) looked around and saw the same boy he had seen earlier in his dreams. He wore the same white suit, along with the same hair color and a pair of glasses on his face. He looked at the demigod with a blank face, studying him, before he smiled.

???: I can see why It chose you, you hold incredible potential. Here, let me fix your little problem.

He snapped his fingers and (Y/N) was suddenly sitting on a comfortable recliner in a dark room with a fireplace lighting it. The boy from earlier was sitting across from him in another chair, looking him in the eyes.

???: Forgive me for continuing to drag you from your dreams. Especially now as you were having a... provocative one with your girls.

(Y/N):*blushing* Hey, I'm still a teenage boy.

???: Ha! I'm not calling you out, just saying, after all, we're the only ones here. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ralwof Kram, but just call me Ralwof.

(Y/N): Alright then, Ralwof, why am I here?

Ralwof: I just want to talk with you, nothing more. Your power is growing, more each day. Do you remember what I told you during our first meeting?

(Y/N): Which part? You told me many things.

Ralwof: Ah, I guess I should've been more specific. About how you are destined for more than just this world alone.

(Y/N): Yeah, I remember that.

Ralwof: Well, that's what this is about. Those visions I showed to you are peeks into your future. In your time, you'll live thousands of lifetimes, and see many things that some can't even dream of seeing. As your power grows, you will travel between these worlds and face the greatest threats to them.

(Y/N): How? I'm only one man. How can I fight through all these places?

Ralwof:*chuckling* I was getting there. Remember, "IT" chose you to be one of its blessed. This "It" Is non-other than the universe itself.

(Y/N): Like Chaos?

Ralwof: Well, yes and no. Your goddess, Chaos, is just one of the many ways you mortals attempt to comprehend the universe. Truth is, only one species can truly understand the Universe, and I am one of them. We are known as 'Watchers', we observe the Universe in its stead.

(Y/N): How does that even work?

Ralwof: The universe itself is ever-expanding and ever creating, so much so that it cannot see all that goes on within it. That is where we Watchers come in, we keep the cosmos at peace with one another. I, myself, am only one of the thousands of other Watchers. We were created by the Universe to watch over it.

(Y/N): How exactly do I fit into this whole thing? I'm not a Watcher, I'm just a demigod.

Ralwof: Oh, you are so much more than that. You see, although the Watchers watch most of the universe, It can observe specific parts if it wants. And what it does in these parts, is choose one to carry its power. And It's chosen you, (Y/N) (L/N).

(Y/N): B-b-but... WHAT?! Does that mean I hold infinite power?! I'm I going to become another Watcher?! How do I control it?!

Ralwof: RELAX!

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