Chapter 23: Day at Camp

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3rd Pov

The sun was shining on a new day over Camp Half-Blood. In the Hestia Cabin, its current two inhabitants were waking up. (Y/N) was first to stir thanks to his internal clock. He opened his bright eyes and let out a long yawn. He looked around and first noticed Irina still cuddling up to his side, making him smile. he carefully maneuvered from her grasp and put a pillow where he was once lying. And chuckled again when he saw Irina immediately clutch onto it. He looked around and first went over to his dresser, picked a few clean clothes, and stepped into the bathroom. After a quick showing, brushing his teeth, and attempting to comb his messy hair; keyword being 'attempting'; he went back out into the cabin's main room. He went back to his bed and gently shook Irina awake.

(Y/N): Irina. Wake up. It's almost time for breakfast.

Irina: *groggily* Five more minutes.

(Y/N): C'mon Irina, I can't leave you here.

Irina: Alright, I'm up.

She opened her eyes and shielded them from the sunlight coming through the window. She whined as she didn't make any other move to get up from the bed. (Y/N) sighed and scooped her up, carrying her bridal style, making her yelp with a bright red face. He took her over to the bathroom and set her down there before closing the door.

(Y/N): Get ready, breakfast is in 15 minutes.

Irina huffed and complied, showering, fixing her hair, and dressing. She came out of the bathroom wearing something similar to the previous day, being a pair of jeans and an orange CHB t-shirt (Y/N) had given her. He also noticed an armband on her left arm.

(Y/N): What's that on your arm there?

Irina: Oh, this? *pointing at it* It's my Excalibur Mimic.

She grabbed it and it transformed into the same katana that she had used against (Y/N) in their first duel.

(Y/N): Oh, stylish and practical.

Irina giggled, transformed it back, and put it back on her arm. She fixed her shirt just as she heard a horn go off in the distance.

(Y/N): That's breakfast. You sitting with me, and don't let Clarisse push you around too much.

She nodded, not knowing who Clarisse was, and followed (Y/N) out of his cabin and toward the dining pavilion. As they trekked down, Irina noticed that the two were drawing attention from the other campers. (Y/N) waved and greeted a few as Irina just watched, awkwardly. She looked around and noticed two specific campers, not waving, but glaring at (Y/N). They were a boy and a girl respectively, the girl wore a traditional CHB t-shirt and a pair of tight-fitting jeans, while the boy wore the same type of shirt, a pair of jeans, and combat boots. The boy snarled and turned away with the girl, heading toward the dining pavilion. (Y/N) seemingly noticed them too, and grabbed Irina's hand, leading her forward. 

(Y/N): Don't mind them, they hate me. They're the only ones in the camp who do.

Irina: Why?

(Y/N): It's a long story, I'll tell you later.

He led her into the pavilion and to a table near the front. There, she saw a select few other demigods already sitting there. (Y/N) led her to their place near the middle of their table, sitting near Chiron and Mr. D, along with another boy with black hair and sea-green eyes.

Percy: Sup, (Y/N)! Glad to see you back!

(Y/N): Glad to be back. How's your mom?

Percy: Fine, she's actually due in a few weeks. 

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