CHAPTER 7: Friends!

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OK so I know in the last chapter I said that this will be Aiura's POV but I wanted to add yaoi so instead it will be her and Saiki's POV and the aftermath.

A few days after the rumor was spread.

Aiura's POV.

I walk around the halls trying to find Teruhashi. I needed to use the bathroom so I went there as I walk into the bathroom I bump into a girl with blue hair I recognize it and get off the floor, I then speak and say, "Teruhashi just who I was looking for". She replies to me and says "Oh you were looking for me what is it". , "Saiki wants you to meet him in the gym after school.". I replied.

"Oh okay thank you for telling me "she says. I then go use the bathroom, After I exit the bathroom I see Teruhashi talking to Saiki. 'I can't wait till everyone see's what a bitch she is', I thought. After school I go to the gym and make sure my phone is charged all the way. I put it somewhere they can't see it I hide in the room filled with gym equipment and wait for Saiki, Toritsuka and Teruhashi to come in.

Saiki's POV.

I walk in to the gym with Toritsuka and wait for Teruhashi to come in I look around trying to find the phone that Aiura has hidden I would ask Aiura but I am wearing my ring so I don't know where she is. "damnit where the hell is this phone" I said getting frustrated, " Babe I found it" . Hearing him say that puts me at ease I can't stand being with Teruhashi anymore. "Thank you babe". I reply walking over to where Toritsuka is giving him a quick kiss on the lips. 

I then hear foot steps coming from outside I pick up the phone an set the time for the recording to start in 10 seconds I then hear a door opening and just like I thought, Teruhashi came in. She then spoke and said "What is Toritsuka doing here I thought you broke up".

I reply and say "I know about the deal you and Okicho made"I think that was his name. I said sternly. "Huh what deal" she says nervously, "Don't act like you don't know anything I know you got Okicho to edit that picture" I respond. She gives up trying to hide it and says " WHY HIM WHY DO YOU LOVE HIM MORE THAN ME WHAT DID HE DO TO MAKE YOU WIN HIS AFFECTION I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO LOVE ME NOT BECAUSE OF MY LOOKS BUT BECAUSE OF WHAT I DO". 

Sorry I had to I can't do Teruhashi like that.

Me and Toritsuka were surprised all this time she just wanted someone to love her because of what she does not how she looks.

"I'm sorry I ruined your relationship for my own selfish needs I just really wanted you to love me I apologize I will get going now and stay out your relationship". 'Fine I guess I have to do this', 'Wait Teruhashi', I say "Hmm Yes" she says in a quiet voice. 

"I don't usually do this but I guess..... we can be friends", I reply. "That's nice thank you I would love to be friends with you I will take my leave now" she says while exiting the gym. A few minutes after she leaves Aiura walks out of where ever she was hiding.

''I never knew she felt that way'' I hear Aiura say, "Yeah" I reply back "What will we do with the video we recorded" Toritsuka say sitting near the corner of the gym. I walk over to him and sit on his lap., "Were gonna post it so everyone can know how she really feels". I respond "Okay then You guys can leave I'll post the video" Aiura says.

I nod and Toritsuka says " Babe I'm gonna stay at your house" I reply to him and say "Ok sure my parents aren't gonna home till morning anyways". "Mhm" he says. "Okay bye Aiura" I say while getting off of Toritsuka's Lap helping him up "Bye see you Tomorrow Saiki", She said waving at me and Toritsuka.

At Saiki's House.

No ones POV.

They got into the house and went up to Saiki's room. Once they got up Toritsuka pins Saiki to the wall leaving the pink haired boy flustered.

Toritsuka puts his arms around Saiki's waist and then says "Baby~" In a seductive way. Saiki responds with a "Huh" in response and then unexpectedly Toritsuka slams his lips into Saiki's. Toritsuka then Bites Saiki's lips asking for permission and Saiki allows him and opens his mouth.

With that Toritsuka puts his tongue in exploring every corridor of Saiki's mouth. He then lifts Saiki up, Surprising the Pink haired boy he wraps his legs around his lovers waist and puts his arms around his neck.

They then break the kiss in need of air and Toritsuka starts giving Saiki hickeys on his neck leaving The pink haired boy a moaning mess.

There will be more yaoi in the next chapter sorry for such a late upload.

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