chapter 4: meeting jinx

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*Bold and slanted words, like this, is milo and other voices in jinx head*

I made it all the way down to the undercity and it looks different but I dont have time for that i have to deal with my leg before I die from loss of blood. Its dark but I see an allyway and I go in sliding down on the wall. I groan in pain and I start to think to myself there's no way I'm making it out of here, this was all for nothing. I pur some more pressure on my wound and keep it hidden the last thing I need right now is someone coming over and seeing this suspicious scene in front of them.

?'s pov

Im on my way back from the last drop jumping from rooftop to rooftop when something catches my eye or should I say someone. I see a girl in an alley all alone. Hm I've never seen her around here before, maybe I can have a little fun before I get back.

Y/n pov

I sit there not entirely sure where in the undercity i am or exactly what time it is or if someone else is lurking in the shadows but its silent other than my thoughts and heavy breathing until I hear something "And who are you?" I hear a girl's voice she sounds alluring I might add but I dont know where it's coming from "well that depends who are you?" Then I hear "I asked first" without really thinking I say "I asked second" then I hear a laugh still not knowing where she is so im just looking around "your not scared of me? Do you even know who I am?" "No and no, should i?" Then another laugh "wow I like you. Your a little fiesty one aren't you cupcake" "dont call me cupcake im not your cupcake" then a shadowy figure appears in front of me long blue braided hair and very pretty if I wasnt in so much pain sitting in a ally way I would run but thats not really an option for me right now. "Fine you win. The names jinx sweetheart. Now whats yours" "....y/n..." "pretty name for a pretty person like yourself now based on your outfit i can tell your not from around here toots so what are you doing down here so far from home huh" "I just came from up there but I am from here as I look up she sees my face all beaten up "what happend to you sugar?" "Nothing I won't be down here long tho or anywhere for long" i mumble that last part to myself but she still heard. I let out a shakey breath fearing it might be my last "what?" I lift up the part of my cloak covering my leg so she sees my wound "im not really feeling so good..." I say nearly about to pass out the last thing I remember was being picked up and taken somewhere but my eyes wouldn't stay open so I dont really know what happend

Jinx Pov
"Im not really feeling so good..." she passed out probably from all that blood she lost. I pick her up bridal style and run back to my workshop. I can patch her up there.

Y/n pov

****Times skip****

I wake up on a couch. What happened I feel like shit I look around and my vision is blurry and I cant really see but I see a blue figure coming towards me "j-jinx?" "so you remember my name huh" "what? so that wasn't a dream? What happened?" She comes and sits on the couch and helps me sit up better "oh you know a little this a little that I carried you here when you were passing out you lost quite a lot of blood and then I patched you up" I looked at my leg and the pants were ripped so she can bandage it im guessing "wow thanks you just met me though why are you being nice? Are you planning something?" "hm I don't know i don't think so cant a girl just help someone in need without it being suspicious" I chuckled at her response and saw her start to remove my bandages "hey what are you doing?" "Dont worry I just have to change your bandage" she says and when its all unwrapped I see it was stappeld together not stiched ot anything "what you just stappeld it!?!" "Hey I never said i was a professional or anything" " u have a first aid kit at least?" "...yea..why?" "Give it here please" she goes off and to get it I assume. I get a moment to fully take in my surroundings im not sure where I am it looks like some sort of workshop or something. she comes back and she hands it to me i open it and grab a needle and thread to properly close the wound and after a bit I did it and she watched me and she had an expression of guilt on her face as then i started to wrap it in new bandages "im really sorry" "hey its ok you did your best" I try and reassure her "no I messed it all up" "hey no look at me" jinx looks at me and seems sad "look im alive right now and I wouldn't be if it wasn't for you so thank you jinx I think i owe you one" jinx smiles and looks a lot happier now and she throws her hands around my neck and hugs me that was a quick change in emotion "thanks sugar!" I smiled and hugged her back. It felt great being back in the undercity "hey I wasn't outlong was i?" "only the rest if the night its just bout noon now" "oh sweet I wasnt out long thanks jinx do you have something to do im sorry for intruding" "no its ok im not busy or anything how bout we go out together I know a place for food" "cool im in" me and jinx head out to this place she has in mind.

Jinx pov

Wow she's seems really cool and that name y/n such a pretty name im so glad I ran into her last night. I cant get attached though we're just hang for the day and she'll be on her way. She's not glad tho everyone who's ever crossed paths with you gets jinxed. I try to block out milos voice he always gets to me but not right now not when I just finally met someone who's not running away screaming from me. We make it to the last drop for some food cuz we're both hungry "Hey two regulars over here" I yell and we get served immediately cause of me being like silcos daughter "wow you sure got some reputation should I be scared of you?" I cant help but laugh at what she said, and shes funny wow she has it all why would she like you, you jinx everything shut it Mylo "oh no you have nothing to be worried about I guess some are scared but you don't need to be toots" she Laughs and we eat we just talk for a long time and there's a question I've been meaning to ask her there's a lot I dont know about this girl she's like a mystery I have to solve nothing about her make sense like where she came she said she was from
from the undercity but came from topside and what happend to her in the first place and why didn't they say something sooner about her bleeding so I have to ask "hey can I ask something" she looks at me and swallow the food in her mouths and smiles "yea shoot" "ok why didn't you say something sooner about your leg before it was almost too late?" She looks at me and is trying to figure out what to say before she says "well I didnt know what to do or what you would do like i said I'm from here I was just on topside tho let's go back to your place so I can explain more privately though" "yea ok then" and with that we get up without paying because well im jinx and started to head back to the workshop so I can finally figure out the mystery of this girl and put this puzzle together

Author: im sorry if this isn't good I'll try to make it good soon and I'll try and make another character tonight but I also have lots of things to do so if not I'll have multiple chalters by tomorrow i promise now please enjoy and make sure to get some sleep and drink water and eat take care of urself - :)

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