chapter 6: my new job?

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Jinx pov

Y/n just left? Why did she leave? I jinxed everything didnt i? Your such a jinx. You scared her away. Your too boring. No one wants to be around you. No shut up. I hear the voices again but their not true she was different she gets it she was abandoned and betrayed too "good now that she's gone-" he doesn't even care so I left. I dont care if he needs me to make him some more weapons like he says I have to go after y/n.
"Jinx? Jinx where are you going? Don't walk out that door! JINX!!"

Y/n pov

I just decided to leave it wasnt jinx or slico, not that much at least I just didn't want to intrude anyways also what If slico is really like everyone says how could he take in a child? Were people wrong about him? Well it doesn't matter anyways I go further and further away from the building until its like I still hear her voice its so angelic and lovely "y/n!" Wait is it really her? I turn around and I see her running after me and I start to feel my ears and face heat up. She ran after me? But why I thought she had business to do thats more important than me so why come after me? I dont understand? "Y/n sorry about what silco said I but he's wrong i want to be friends with you still of course he's wrong about me not needing anyone you know" she gives me a half smile kinda nervous of what I'm going to say "really....if I can be honest with you i was worried you would just listen to whatever he said and I'dbe alone again and even if I seem tough i dont like being alone" "..y/n..-"

Jinx pov
"..y/n..-" she just opened up to me more its like she really does trust me and just wants to be my friend not like other people who just use me to get close to silco or something. I realize I haven't said anything else yet so I open my mouth to talk again and finish what I was going to say "y/n
I had the most fun with you just today than I've had in a long time I won't listen to that old grouch besides I think its also nice having someoneelse around and someone fun to talk to"

Y/n pov

I smile from what she said "yea I think so too jinx. Do you have to go back to his office though I really don't mind-" jinx stops me and says "naw its ok let's go hang out some more" she reaches her hand out for me to grab and im a little taken back and lightly blush but I grab her hand and we start to run im not sure why but its exciting to be around her. We climb up some buildings and jump around from place to place laughing and talking with each other causing mischief along the way "where are we going jinx?" "Its a surprise, you'll see" I smile at her words and we continue our little journey and we make it to this very tall building and we see a view of piltover and its so stunning and magnificent the sun is setting perfectly over the view and I cant help but look in awe. "I've never seen the sunset before" I say still looking at the view while sitting down. Jinx plops down beside me "really?? How come?" I take my eyes off the setting sun to look at her sitting beside me "well when I first went to piltover and those people bought me I was kept inside for so long I never got the chance and when I was down here I just never got the chance to ever see this radiant view" I say looking at her she smiles "yes the sunset is always lovely right here" as she places her head on my shoulder. I could really get use to her being around me she makes me feel so much better like something matters. We watch the sunset for a while as we talk and I tell her a bit more about myself as she listens she actually listens to me. As jinx gets up I do too "well where to next sweet cheeks?" Jinx says which causes me to blush "uh I don't know im getting kinda worn out and tired though with my injuries I find that I can only handle so much in a day" I say as I yawn

Jinx pov

She looks so beautiful in the dim setting sunlight. "Do you have a place to stay?" Y/n's face looks like the just realized something that should have been obvious "oh fuck no i dont. I should have been looking for a place to stay today im sorry" y/n looks scared like their gonna get beat like they used to "im sorry jinx im really sorry I didnt mean to I got distracted hanging out and having fun with you I should have a place to stay by now though this is my fault im sorry" I walk a little closer and put my hand on her shoulder and she looks up at me tears forming in the corner of her eyes and shes visibly shaking "its ok y/n its not your fault bedsides I don't mind how bout you crash at my place again?" She sniffels and wipes her eyes "really?" "Yes it'll be like a sleep over" y/n eyes lights up "ok!!" We start our walk back home but I dont think silco would want y/n there and so we don't get caught we had to climb through the window. "OK home sweet home sugar" I say as I get in, y/n chuckels at what I say and I glance at her and study her face and she looks really tired and I dont want to keep her up any longer "come on y/n beds this way" I say leading y/n to the bed "no jinx you get the bed I'll just curl up over on the couch next to that doll" y/n tajes off her shoes and starts to make her way over there "no come on y/n I insist" y/n is already about to doze off on the couch as she shakes her head so I have an idea "fine if you sleep on the couch I do too" I start to walk over and move Mylo as I lay y/n down and cover her up while I lay next to her and cuddle her. It feels so nice I've never hugged someone like this since vi and it feels great.

Time skip to the morning


I wake up and I feel someone's arm wrapped around me and my arms are around someone too. I open my eyes groggily and I see blue and I feel soft skin then my eyes open fully and I see jinx sleeping on top of me I get so surprised I almost fall off the couch but don't for jinxs sake so she dosnt wake up. I slowly shimmy out of her grasp as I get up she just looks so peaceful sleeping I cant wake her up I feel bad but I think I can leave through the window shes already done so much for me I need to find my own place to stay if im going to be staying in the undercity again. I started to tip toe over and slip on my shoes and am about to leave when I hear her "y/n?" I look over and shes standing up with the blanket she put over us wrapped around her and shes walking toward me "y/n where are you going?" "Oh im sorry did I wake you I didn't mean to, I was just gonna head out and possibly try and find a place to stay so I wasnt too much of a burden here" I say scratching the back of my neck. "Nonsense y/n I already told you, your no trouble here" I feel myself blush lightly and before I can respond someone walks in "JINX!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??!" We both look over to see slico really upset. Jinx just groans "ugh I've been here the whole time you don't always need to know everything pops" she says crossing her arm "and I already told you about that person I dont want them here I done trust th-" just then someone busted through the window and started running towards us with a knife and I quickly took action. I grabbed their arm that was holding the knife and twisted it then kicked their knees to make them fall then I headbutt them and they fell to the ground knocked out. I realized what had just happened and looked over to see a happy jinx and surprised slico standing there "oh im so sorry I didnt mean to that was just a force of habit" I say trailing off jinx hugs me "wow y/n your really strong me and you should do some sparing sometime" "hmm y/n was it?" I hear silco say from behind us and jinx let's go "uh yes?" I say confused "well y/n how would you like to train here?" Jinx looks shocked and im still not getting whats going on "uhh I beg your pardon?" Silco looks me up and down "I want to hire you to be an assistant for me" I think about what my parents said about staying away from silco and people like him when I was younger so im not really sure "I'll let you stay here with jinx if you accept my offerof course" he says that last part and then I remember my parents telling me to do what I have to do to survive "you got yourself a deal" I say excitingly "good you'll start today and jinx a word alone please" thats all he says before he walks out and jinx looks at me with a big smile and starts to hum to herself as she followed him outside the door

Jinx pov

Im happy but confused on what just happened why would silco hire y/n out of all people? I thought he said I didn't need anyone else "Jinx you didn't tell me this friend of yours was a natural fighter" "I didn't know" is there lots of things I still don't know about y/n? "Well I just so happened to have an old assistant of mine die cause they failed to meet my expectations so a new position opend and she was in the right place at the right time I suppose" wait?? He failed to meet expectations so he was killed whats gonna happen to y/n will slico hurt her I swear if he does he's going to regret it so much "tell your friend I have a target I need dead he keeps messing with my shimmer shipments and I'll provide any type of weapons she needs. Now I have important paperwork to do come get the picture of the person when your ready" "but-" before I can say anything he was gone he always does this

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