the party

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No ones pov
Darrel huffed "hi " in big hopes Dan would see him with his girl.
Dan has no words his face went white like he had seen a ghost and Darrel was satisfied with the reaction showing it by letting a smirk escape his lips. Dan utters "hi". Melodies in attempt of f2f cutting the tension she cooes "im going to get us drinks!" she leaves the two alone. "So what the hell do you think your doing?" Darrel groans "Have you told her anything about my past ?" Dan utters. "No but i should've!, i swear if u hurt,take advantage, or do anything to hurt her im going to hurt you 10× worse u little fuck" he whispers in Dans ear. Dan started to hear his girlfriend come behind him "yeah bro! That's amazing!" he says changing the topic. Darrel goes along with him "yeah I know, never seen it before-oh melodies your back" "yeah, there were only beer and im pretty sure you guys don't want to get drunk tonight " she muttered. "Oh what's one beer going to do!" dan replied ran off in the drinks direction . "Ok but dont get pissed drunk" she hollerd back at him. Her and Darrel walk in together and it wasn't any lie that all the attention was on her. All the guys stared but are shot down when they see Darrel right next to her. They get to a corner and talk for awhile "so do u like him" she asked. "Umm yea" he lied, but if he told her, he would be messing up something potential. "I have to go to the bathroom, meet me at the drink ok" she shouted over the loud music. He began to walk outside to where the cooler is and decided to get a beer. A few moments later melodies joined him and found a water bottle from the cooler. Dan greeted Melodies but u could tell he was tipsy ,"HEy MeLlY " he slurred. She snapped "didn't i say not to get drunk". "No BAby iM soRry " he replied he had lust in his eyes. She ignored him and tried to make conversation with Darrel, but Dan keep at it, he grabbed her ass and she jumped. Darrel stared at him as if he was warning him and Dan just speed walked off. Darrel tried to forget about so he siped the rest of his beer. After about 30-40 minutes Darrel and Melodies went back in to dance. Melodies started to get worried on what her boyfriend was doing and asested that they look for him.

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