Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello! This is my very first Kellin Quinn fan fic, and I wanted to make the way Kellin and Mae meet different then how most of the fan fics go, so bare with me haha. Please go and check out my other story; Let Love Bleed Red; Andy Biersack & Juliet Simms love story. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy. (:
(The pic in the header is of Mae btw. It's really Kurt Cobain's daughter but she's so gorgeous I was like why not.)


Hi, my name's Angel Mae Robinson. But I usually go by Mae. I'm 18 years old, and apparently I'm crazy. I've self harmed ever since I was the 4th grade, I've been anorexic ever since the 7th grade, and I've been depressed since I was in the 4th grade. I've run away from my home, I've done drugs, I've tried to commit suicide, nothing seems to take the heart break and loneliness away from crawling into my thoughts at night and make me question my existence. I come from a broken home, and my family doesn't really give a damn about me. I guess I can say that I don't really have a family. My lovely parents have put me in a mental institution when I was 17 and then I got moved into Rehab once I turned 18. I've never really had any real friends, and no one has every stayed. And I've tried to deal with my pain in several ways. So now I'm stuck here trying to get better. I have gotten better and I have recovered mostly. I've been in here for 6 months, been in a mental institution for a year. I miss going into the real world sometimes, but then I realize this is it. This is the selfish and cruel world we live in now. And there's no escaping.

I was laying on my bed thinking when I heard a knock on my door. It was my nurse/counselor Jenna. She was tall and had long blonde hair, blue eyes and was always happy. It bugged me at times but it shocks me how upbeat a person could be here. She was really nice and sweet too, she let me be on my phone, listen to music, play my guitar, she was like a second mom kind of. She always listened to me whenever I needed someone to talk to, or was scheduled to. She's helped me a lot the 6 months I've been in here. She came in and placed a tray of food, vitamins, and my depression pills next to me on my bed side.

"Hey honey, how are you?" She sat down next to me as I laid in my bed with my crop top and sweat pants. I looked at her and lightly smiled.

"I'm okay, what about you?" I sat up to eat my breakfast. I looked at my phone and it was about 8:40 am. My tray had some oatmeal, milk, two slices of toast and grapes on the side. I took a few spoonfuls of oatmeal and ate my toast as I talked to her. There really wasn't much to talk about, but we tried to keep the conversation going.

"You should eat some more oatmeal honey, it's good for you." She rubbed my cold arm. I smiled at her kind gesture.

"I'm not leaving here until you finish your food dear, I hope you know that by now." She laughed and smiled at me.

"Okay." I ate the rest of my oatmeal and picked at the grapes as she read off my schedule for today.

"After breakfast you have a group meeting and then you have free time for an hour and a half. Then at 12 pm, you have your lunch, your talking time with professor, another free time, your dinner, free time in your room, and then at 9:30 you have to go to bed." She read off her clipboard.

Everyday was really the same. On holidays and "sick days" it was different. Sick days are the days when you don't want to get out of bed or you feel weak, or just un motivated. I never really liked group meetings because I don't like to hear other people's stories and want to pity them. I don't like to share often because I don't want people to pity me. I usually get out of it by saying I'm too shy or I'm scared or I just simply don't want to.

"Do you think you might want to go to the meeting today honey?" She questioned me. I sat on my bed and ate my grapes.

"You know me." I responded.

She did and she knew how I didn't like it or I didn't want it to seem like charity party. The kids were mostly nice here but I don't know.

"There's a new kid here today." She said.

"Kid". I hated that word. I'm 18, the "kids" here are 18 we aren't exactly kids. Well whatever.

"There are always new people here." I stated looking down at my black socks and the white tile floor.

I hated this place. I felt like I was in prison. In a way I kinda was.

"But this ones a boy, he's your age, he plays the guitar, and apparently he's a singer." She stroked my long dark brown/ violet ombré hair.

"What are you trying to say?" I looked up at her. She sighed.

"I want you to go and meet him. He seems really interesting and he's a lot like you. Inspiring, creative, musical. I can tell you guys would be really great friends Mae." She's just trying to get me to go.

I mean he does sound kind of interesting but what am I supposed to say? "Hey I'm just like you"?

"I'm kind of over boys.." I lied.

"Can you please just go? It will be good for you-"

"And your health, and mind to get some exercise by talking to someone new." I finished her sentence.

"You haven't gone to one in a month. Some of the kids here want to see you and how you're doing." I didn't want to hear this bullshit anymore.

"Okay I'll go." I picked at my nails.

Jenna got all excited and hugged me. I haven't been hugged in a really really really long time. It felt good. I hugged her back and smiled.

"Get ready, or put some makeup on or whatever..!" She joked.

Maybe I will put makeup on for once.. For myself. I wore my white BVB crop top with my black skinny jeans that had a few rips in them with my black slip on vans and my long black cardigan. I always seem to need to have something to cover me, I just feel more comfortable that way I guess. Less insecure. I finished getting ready and walked out with Jenna. There was the circle that we all had to sit in, at least they were comfortable chairs. Jenna had her arm looped into mine as we walked. My heart started beating fast,  I guess I was nervous. Jenna noticed because she told me it was okay.

She pointed out the boy she was talking about to me. I only saw the back of his head. He had black mid length hair. It was shiny and kind of wavy. I sat in front of him in the circle, next to two girls who I haven't seen in a long time. Heather, and Chloe. They both acknowledged me which was nice. The group began and we all went in a circle around just talking about ourselves and what we like to do, etc. I just listened for his responses. He had pretty green eyes, a nice smile, and some cute moles here and there. He had a couple of tattoos, the only one I could make out was the music note on his wrist and by his elbow. His name was Kellin Bostwick Quinn, he's 18 1/2, he likes singing, playing the guitar, and he has chronic depression and anxiety. He came from a broken home, he just had his heart broken when he was 17, I'm guessing that's one reason why he's depressed. We stared at each other from time to time and he smiled at me sometimes. I smiled back.

I hate you Jenna for making me come out of my hole and here I am thinking this guy likes me. I bet he doesn't even know my name or care. Well, Kellin you sure are cute as fuck. God damn feelings...

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