10. Alone Part 1

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I felt the brisk night summer air hitting my face as me and Mike ran through the grass. I had a feeling we shouldn't be doing this, but I trust Mike.  It felt good. It felt good to know we had each other, William might be after us but all I care about is keeping Michael safe. That's all I want. We've already known his father would report us sooner or later and now it has already been done.

I ran out of breathe after a long time of running.

"Michael, can we stop? Please?" I said trying to stay quiet as I choked on my words.

"Of course, we're here anyways love" He said holding my hand once again.

He keeps giving me this weird feeling, It's a good feeling! But it's only for him.

We walked up to a treehouse. Covered in leaves, It was very well built though. It was small but it looked taken care of. We climbed up the latter and walked in as he shut the door behind us.

"Mike did you build this?" I said surprised.

"Indeed I did. Well, me and Oswald made this when we were a bit younger along with this dad" He said proudly.

"It's amazing" I said looking at him as he blushed a bit.

"Thanks" He smiled as he started pulling out a cigarette.

I walked over to the window, opening it as I climbed to the roof. I sat down on the top of the house as Michael followed behind me closing the window as he sat down beside me. We both looked up at the moon as I layed down resting my head. Still staring at the sky, I felt a pair of eyes on me as I turned my head.

Michael laying there, he was so beautiful, his fair hands gently lay on his stomach. His side profile was adorable, his jawline was sharp, his eye-bags complimented his tired face. But that's the beauty I found in Michael. His pale skin, his dark blue eyes you could loose yourself in, his dark brown defined eyebrows, his hair with almost every shade of brown you could imagine. Some dark, some light, it reminded me of caramel. His little mannerisms where innocence completely represents him. He could destroy your life and his face is still like an angel. That innocence has protected his life so many times, and i'm here to make sure it stays like that. I never had a chance to truly take a look at him, I had realized how every little detail about him was perfect. The silence filled my head as I heard his voice.

"Y/n, are you scared?" He said still looking up.

"Am I scared? Of what?" I said confused.

"My father, everything he's capable of." He said tensing up a bit.

I placed my hand on his as I spoke, "I'm not scared. We will be okay. If he does show the police anything, he won't have enough evidence to prove it was us." I said reassuring him.

He looked at me, "Your right. You know, now that I think of it, he's bossed me around my whole damn life. I'm sick of it." He said sitting up.

I noticed his posture, just like before, became bold as he started climbing back into the house.

"What are you doing?" I said turning around.

"We should go to bed, It's late by now" He said putting his hand out for me.

"Alright" I sighed getting in.

I walked over to the bed as Michael laid beside me. Closing my eyes after few seconds, I feel an arm wrap around my waist as I fall asleep almost instantly.


The next day:

 𝐈𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝟏 𝟗 𝟖 𝟑  ||  remastered Where stories live. Discover now