17. Below the surface

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Tw for this chapter. Blood and mention of physical injuries.

Michaels pov:

"Get the fuck away"

I couldn't quite make out who said that considering my earring were muffled from the hit. Was it Y/n? Please don't be, she can't get hurt.

"And who are you"

I turned my gaze over to be met with-

"Its Oswald nice to meet ya" He smirked.

He held a gun in his hands wearing the same uniform I had on.. he must've been hired to take over the diner.

"Oh my goodness Os!" I said desperately looking at him for help.

"An old friend come to save his dear friend Michael huh"

"Glad you know" Oswald smiled at my sister.

He walked over slowly to the room I hung in. Each step was quiet almost like a cat. I saw him putting keys in the door as we all heard a loud crash behind us.


"Shit!" Oswald spun around to the door he came out of.

"What in the fuck!?" My eyes widened, jaw tightening.

The door slammed shut as I looked back to Oswald.. He looked out of it. Like one of  Y/n's episodes!!

"OS NO!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I coughed up blood in pain looking back to my sister.

She stood carelessly. She hadn't known what was going on however that was the least of her worries.


Oswald's pov:

"Hello?!" I screamed nervously.

Right before I turned my gaze around, everything went pitch black. I could see a thing. I heard echos of someone yelling my name but I couldn't tell who it was.

"What the fuck is happening" I put my hand on my head manically spinning around in fear.

"Fuck fuck no this can't happen right now!! MIKE?" I yelled.

"Mike, mike, mike.. is he the only person everyone cares about?" I heard an older man speak, laughing under his breath.

He had an accent like Mike.. it must be his father.

"Who is this?" I yelled out turning around trying to find the man in the darkness.

"Michaels father, who else would do this?" He laughed devilishly as his accent was rich and pronounced.

"What the hell is happening? Where are you? Where am I?? And where's Michael?" I raised my voice at him. I began fidgeting with the bracelet I had on with my one hand as the other held the gun.

"Where are you?" He snickered under his breath, "I forgot this was your first time... you're in your mind. And so am I" His voice echoed from afar.

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