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If I am being honest with myself and to whomever reads this. I'm not doing it for the reads.

I am doing it for myself as I have always loved the Dragon Ball universe and I often like to dream and imagine myself interacting with the characters.

It's always been a way for me to escape reality and have a bit of fun in my imagination.

I decided to take a show I have loved since I was a kid and insert myself in a way into the story.

This is all for fun and in no way meant to be disrespectful to the original creator of Dragon Ball — Akira Toriyama.

The characters and plots aren't mine, all credit goes to him.

The original character Sato Yuri, along with everything pertaining and relating to the character is created from my imagination.

If you do decide to read this, I greatly appreciate the time you're taking from your day to sit down and spend a few minutes reading and indulging in the crazy imagination of a 24 year old woman.

Thank you and please enjoy.

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