01:06 An Important Decision

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Taking in a deep breath, I finally had a moment of respite.

Never in a million years would I have imagined losing my best friend. I had always pictured us growing old together and dying from natural causes. If I'm being honest, that's a lie I would tell myself. I always knew Goku was a special kid, the great dangers he faced growing up. Yet, despite the truth, I always envisioned us growing old and being best friends forever.

I let out a chuckle as I looked down at Gohan, who had rested his head against me.

Poor kid's exhausted. I should take him home. I have to tell Chi-Chi what happened.

I look over my shoulder and notice Goku's body isn't where I had last seen it.

My eyes widen; I turn around and scan the area.

Where could it have gone?

"Don't worry."

I quickly turn to look at Piccolo, who had walked away from Raditz's corpse, "Kami's taken him."

"Where?" I ask, walking towards him.

"Not sure, but don't worry. Knowing Kami, he has something special planned for Goku."

I shift Gohan's position in my arms from an upright position to a lateral one, allowing him to lay and rest his eyes, "Relax, Gohan." I say, gently speaking to the boy. "You should sleep; I'll take you home to your mom."

Gohan looks up at me and yawns, trying to fight the heaviness and droopiness in his eyes.

I brush my hand over his eyes and guide his eyelids to close, gently rocking him.

"Well, Piccolo," I begin as I walk towards Gohan's hat to retrieve the dragon ball, "I'll be seeing you."

I turn to face Piccolo, who had gathered his article of clothing. I noticed an intense and harsh look on his face as he began to grunt rather aggressively. Then, with a loud and sudden yell, his missing arm springs from his would, as a new one takes its place. A dark yellow residue was dripping down his newly regenerated arm, almost as if green.

"You could do that this whole time?" I ask dumbfoundedly, unsure of the sudden anger I was feeling.

"Before you leave, I have a request to make." Piccolo was tightly gripping his new arm (probably to make sure he had feeling in it). " This'll sound strange, but try to put your emotions aside. I want Goku's son to come with me for special training."

"What?" I ask, taking a step back, "Why?" I instinctively pull Gohan closer to me.

"You saw what I saw; this boy showed signs that he might be the most powerful person on this planet. I think I can teach him to control his power, so he can use it to help us defend the Earth when the other Saiyans arrive. So it's a long shot. He might still be too young. We'll see."

I groan as I continue to take another step back, but I soon stop. I looked down at Gohan, who had managed to fall asleep in my arms peacefully. I gently brush my hand through his hair; a vast smile forms on my face but quickly disappears as I remember, but Piccolo had just requested.

I looked up at Piccolo, who stared at me.

"I don't know; you'd have to ask his mom." I knew Piccolo wouldn't care what Chi-Chi would say. Goku asked me to look after Gohan; for some reason, I also felt as if that was my responsibility to decide what happens here and now.

"I'm not asking. I'm telling!"

I turned around, giving Piccolo my back. I took in a deep breath and looked at Gohan once more. Everything in my body was telling me to fly away from here. To leave and took the boy to his mom, but I knew Piccolo was right. The unbelievable power I saw Gohan wield, even for a short time, was incredible. If what Raditz said is accurate and two more powerful Saiyans are on their way, we need all the help we can get.

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