01:08 Gohan Goes Bananas

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The nighttime carried on.

The cries of various animals accompany the darkness as a couple of gloomy clouds begin to hide the beaming, bold-colored night sky.

I could hear hyenas devouring their recent hunt, a snake slithering through the dry grass and burrowing into a dark hole, and bats screeching as they took flight into the night for the start of their hunt.

All these distinct noises could have been enough to wake Gohan from his slumber, but they didn't.

I pull my knees closer to my chest and wrap my arms around them, laying my head on my knees.

I feel the heaviness in my eyes as I fight their droopiness. Everything was telling me to sleep. I had to sleep. Today's events aren't easy for anyone, yet despite my entire being forcing me to rest, I didn't want to—I couldn't. I had to watch Gohan.

"Staring at him won't solve anything."

I groggily shift my eyes towards Piccolo, who continues to meditate. I sigh, stretch out my legs, and touch my toes. "Yeah, you're right. I should sleep, but all those animal noises are worrying me."

"If they're not a bother to Gohan, then it shouldn't bother you."

"Yeah, I know you're right. Thanks, Piccolo." I lay back down and stared at the sky. "Despite what you say, I don't think you're all that bad..."

I didn't give Piccolo a chance to respond, so I gave him my back and closed my eyes.

It was morning once more.

The warmth of the sunlight has kissed my cheeks 'good morning.'

I groan as the sun shines bright — I've never been a morning person. I roll over on my side and face away from the sun. It wasn't until I felt a minor bug on my nose that I realized where I was.

I quickly sit up and turn towards the mountain Gohan has slept in.

He was still sleeping.

I sighed in relief and rose from my cozy little spot. I stretched as wide as possible and let out a comfortable yawn, "Good morning, Piccolo."

I turned to him and noticed he was no longer where I had last seen him. I searched the area and saw Piccolo off in the distance, observing Gohan.

I hover over to him and park myself next to him — crossing my arms as he is.

"How did you sleep?" I ask after a few moments of silence.


"I slept alright. Thank you for asking." I say.

Piccolo wasn't giving me anything to work with.

"How's Gohan?"

"Well, he just woke up —"

I turn to face the little Saiyan as he huddles against a rock wall— crying.

"— and he's complaining about how high up he is."

I felt my brows furrowed together and a frown form on my face. I could not stand to see Gohan in such a state. My maternal instincts told me to swoop in and save, help, and shield him from the world, but I knew that wasn't possible. I knew Piccolo was right—maybe his methods were extreme—but he was right.

We both saw what Gohan could do, and the only way for him to reach that again would be for him to gain some independence and learn to be on his own for a while.

Leaving the young boy to fend for himself is everything that goes against what I have promised Goku.

"You know, while he cries and wallows in pity, this could be a good time for us to put in some training." Spoke Piccolo in his deep voice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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