01:07 Day One

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The remaining of the ride back with Bulma was quiet.

As soon as we landed, she dashed inside and began to work on creating another dragon radar.

I decided to take this time to shower and destress from today's events.

"Hey, Bulma!" I called out as I stood by the door frame of her lab. "I'm going to take a bath."

"Of course. Do what you have to do." Replies Bluma as she turns in her chair, holding a few pieces of metal scraps.

I raise two fingers near my forehead and give Bulma a little salute. I walk towards the room I've had since I was a little girl. A room Bulma and her family had given me when we would have our weekly sleepovers.

I open the door to the room and take in a deep breath. I haven't been in this room in years. The last time Bulma and I had a sleepover was the day before we had begun our search for the dragon balls.

My room was colored in two different shades of purple. A light tone, the color covered three out of the four walls. The darkest purple rested on the wall, where my bed faced away. The furniture throughout my room was white as it best contrasted against the purples. The accent marks in the rooms were the color combinations of grey and turquoise.

I let out a content sigh as I walk over to the full-body mirror I have in the corner. I groan as I see the messy appearance I have.

"Geez, Raditz did a number on me."

I had patches of dirt and grass all over me. Luckily for me, I never really wore clothes worth me getting upset about dirtying. I had always preferred to wear comfortable tracksuits or sweatpants. But, as I got older, I realized that appearances aren't always something to stress about.

Today's day outfit was dark grey capri sweatpants, with comfortable black sneakers, a white t-shirt, and a light blue jean jacket.

This combination of clothing was often my to-go outfit anyway.

I walk towards the closet and grab some black jogger pants and a salmon-colored tank-top, "This will be perfect."

Despite not being in this room for years, I often updated my closet if I ever needed to change.

I walk towards the bathroom door and turn on the shower faucet.


I walk towards the lab, ruffling my hair with my towel to speed up the drying process.

"Hey, curls." Calls out Bulma as I stand next to her.

"Hey, B," I reply, smiling.

"You look and smell much better." Chuckles Bulma as she finishes screwing one last screw into the dragon radar.

"Did I offend that badly?" So I flip my head to the right side and move the towel in the same direction and continue to dry my hair.

"Of course not. You're easy on the eyes and nose, but today was not your day."

"Today was not anyone's day." I respond, chuckling, "Definitely not Goku's."

Bulma gasps out loud and looks at me wide-eyed.

"What? Oh, come on, I crack jokes in serious situations."

"I know that, but you gotta learn to tone it down."

I throw the towel over my shoulders, cross my arms, and mumble, "Goku would appreciate my joke."

"Of course, he would. That man laughs at anything you say. You know why?' Asks Bulma, slightly raising her right brow, "Because that man likes you! Men don't laugh crazily  unless they like the girl. I think he'd have asked you out if Chi-Chi didn't force him to marry her because of some promise."

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