Fairy roses chapter 1

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Athena had just settled into Valkyria farm a few months had past and she finally felt like she had got some work done.

I woke up bright and early as usual maybe even too early with the way the sun did not even look awake yet. I anxiously checked my phone and noticed the time said 6am. The first time I've woken up before 2 o clock in the afternoon since having moved from the city, but today felt different... like there was something telling me to get out of bed. That was all the motivation my buddy Aprodites needed cause the second I so as flinched my leg off the bed he immediately started meowing demanding to be fed since I had only fed him 4 hours ago.

I hauled over to the kitchen and set out some tuna I had caught thanks to Willy teaching me the ropes. I don't think I've ever caught a fish this nice until moving to the valley, that aside I always was a lucky person my dad had and still was a gambler going to casinos as often as possible. Hell I swear I even saw him get off at the desert stop a few hours back. I still did not know much about the desert but one thing was sure it had a casino if my dad was there, I sliced the tuna and dropped it into Aprodites bowl, which considering I was met with an angry meow ment Im supposed to bring the drinks first. Geez hold on this isn't a damn 5 star diner ill get you some milk.

Thankfully I had finally gotten enough funds from planting crops in the summer to be able to build myself a barn. Or more like pay Robin to do it Robin lived up the back of my farm the land had been my gramps once but he gave it to her since she had just got out of a bad marriage. Well she practictly did it for free with the price she charged granted I had to get the materials but there she was my own barn.

I threw my favorite long skirt on that had probably been through the wash atleast a hundred times since moving to the valley. Pulled on my newest boots I had gotten from helping some mermaids over at the fern island and pushed the door open. It was always amazing looking across my farm since I cleared it.

Unfortantely in winter there were no crops so all you had looking back at you where the barn doors of some cows who had been very angry I had not bought a heater on the first of the month and instead the 4th when Marnie gave me a discount for babysitting Jas. I pulled up the barn door the shivering cold hitting me back in the face dear yoba it was unforgiving here, back in Zuzu city you could take shelter in nearby stores left and right and the gas and pollution from cars made the cold a little more bearable but here? It was frigid freezing more like Ice age cold.

I wasted no time getting the milk from todays cows I only had four but they were my pride and joy Dooby Scoob Zues and Hades they had made great profit this month despite the frigid weather making the best quality milk around.Walking back into the house closeing the massive barn door behind me as I trudded it through the snow  I thought to myself... Just sucks our best customer was a freeloading cat who got all he wanted for free. I thought as I poured my free eating Customer his bowl of milk, buddy did'nt even touch water know gagged whenever I put it in his bowl or even drunk it myself he was a hastle but a nice cuddlebug and in a house this big it was nice to have something so cuddly.

Whelp animals fed now its time to check the mail. I fumbled through some letters a few from clint telling me my watering can and hoe were done. Not that I needed it, cant plant crap in this weather. Lewis congratulating me on almost a year of living here enclosed was 500g. Enough for a warm drink in this weather.

But as I read the last one my heart pumped a little. "Dear Athena It is with great pleasure I invite you to this years feast of the winter star! Make sure to participate in this years secret gift exchange! Your secret friend is.....S

An S I thought? Oh dear please don't be Shane I hate him always commenting on the way I looked I had never even been catcalled before meeting his drunk ass. But as I turned the letter to my suprise it was different.

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