Chapter 11 Life With True Love

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I hung my sword up on the adventures guild with a solemn sign. My infnity blade had saved me from death but it was very close. I made a promise to Sophia to never go mining again and with this I shall use it it as a symbol of my vow to never go mining again. I dug my pickaxe into the ground.All I carried now was a dagger to protect her if needed but she made me swear in our vowes to never go mining again and for her? Ill do anything.

Me and Sophia had filed our adoption papers a week ago and it still felt weird I couldn't believe we were gonna be parents and even more I couldn't believe I had her. I know its silly its been a few seasons since our marriage but as I pass her post it board I see our wedding pictures with little notes from Haley who took them.

You two look so happy here I almost want to keep this one but its your memory not mine Im happy for you two Ive never seen a couple of lovebirds like this pair and yet you too have the most potiental and love ive ever seen.

Its today when I tried to walk outside to check the mail I was immediately stopped in my tracks.

"Hey Athena? Id like to ask for some help if thats alright its a busy season on the vineyard and Id love it if you could help me harvest and make the grapes into wine dear? Ill make us a big breakfast as a thank you."

She was always so pretty no matter hoe I looked at her. I saw her fresh out of the shower? Stunning. Her face as she struggles to sow a dress but continues anyway? Gorgous. And the way she looks at me. Like shes proud of me, shes happy im being myself and even around her. The look in those eyes tells that and so much more.

"Of course honey! And hey lets cook together!"

As the eggs shimmered over the stove I couldnt help but indulge myself a bit. I ran my soft hands up and down her body feeling her nice physique and lovely hair I always lost myself in.

"Athenaaaa!!! Im cooking!!! Can you Atleast wait till the bacons done silly?"
Love waits for no one Sophia. I picked her up held her close. She was like a nice pillow you felt comfy holding. I rubbed her hair and turned her towards me. I had her at my height now and pushed us back toward the cabinet as I kissed her lip and teased her. She always took the lead but got lost so I led. I held her hand and kissed her I made sure she had what we both wanted mouth on mouth. We lingered for some time not even breathing worth stopping just loving the taste of the other.

"OH SHIT THE BACON" Sophia yelled pulling away and grabbing the bacon as it burnt to a crisp trying to salvage it. "Whelp we lost some good soldiers to our love negligance. Shame Dusty loves bacon."

Thankfuly we just cooked some more and after eating another lovely meal got to work outside on our vineyard.

I picked each grape gently from its trellis dropping it into a basket. We later moved on to the kegs in the basement passing each row gently and making sure each grape got a good amount of juice out of it.

"Hey Athena....You look really cute over there silly.... I love you..." She was such a flatterer only one row behind me giving me such compliments while I was just helping her out.

"Your such a cutie dear I love you too Sophia" I continued dropping the grapes into kegs until every row was done. We decided to rest by the fire on our couch together.

She pecked me so wide on the lips jumping towards me with joy. "Thank you so much wife! You saved me a year of work!!!!" she liked to be over the top a bit.

"Hey Just helping where I can doll" I kissed her too just happy to have the life we had. Even Dusty barked and layed by the fire. He was always so happy when we were loving on each other.

"I wanna tell you something Athena okay? Its how our vineyard came to be. Years ago my great grandpa found this land while on a trip to buy a new boat. He saw the land here and felt a calling to it so he sold the old house and moved here. He worked the ground daily and settled on grapes. He met my aunt fell in love and you know how the rest goes. What im trying to say is... This land has generations of history,my family has lived here for a while and I wanna welcome you to the family. You told me yours is iffy so I want you to be apart of mine Athena... Will you raise this farm with me my dear as my wife."

"Sophia of course!!! Id love to!!!!" I rubbed her hair and hugged her some more thats when we heard a knock at the door.

"Hmm kinda late for a mail call huh?" We went outside and to our suprise it was something better Lewis had picked up our new baby girl while he was in Zuzu City apparently he helped families in town adopt to.

"Athena and Sophia.. Im very happy to give you your new daughter you too have started a family and im sure what you do with it will be great may you two always find love and support in each other in sickness and health."

Sophia held her first as we both lay in bed her arms wrapped around her as she slept soundly safe within her new surroundings.

"Shes beautiful Athena She's a few months old and from a family that wanted her to go to a new home. I promised we'd visit occasionally. Look she even has natural brown hair coming in! Just like you dear."

I couldnt believe I was a mom it was something only in my dreams I could have forseen. She was beautiful and slept soundly.

"Sophia I love you and our daughter what should be name her?" I looked deeply into my wifes eyes as our baby awoke and stared back at us emerald eyed sparkling wide and happy.

"How about Sasha? She looks very pretty and its was the name of a old best friend"

"I love it Sophia" I placed my hands on hers and kissed her wrapping my arms around her in bed as I began to drift away.


"Yes dear?"

"Thank you for starting a family with me lets always be there for each other. From the day you came to the valley I feel in love with you. Im proud to be your wife and just between us? I realized im a lesbian too I only have my eyes on you from now on we were meant to be I love you"

"I love you too Sophia im proud to be your wife too" We kissed and the memories flooded my head from our first kiss to now. I never regretted a thing.


The end thank you for reading!!! I may write more Sophia x Fem reader in the future but this was my first fanfiction so it means alot that you read this far! Once again thank you and feedback is heavily appreciated

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