Chapter 2 She glitters

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The frigid cold gave me quite a welcome as I headed down the stone payment back to my farm. "Its so damn cold" I thought to myself as I swayed the rickedy old wooden fence that had withstood several generations on my farm.

As I headed to my brand new greenhouse I looked across my farm. Why did grandpa have to have a damn river farm so less room to plant and so much water it was riduclous almost impossible to fit everything together in such a compact place. But I smiled a bit thinking back at the memories I had here as a kid running through the fields of hay and and giving Eveyln a giant hug as she baked cookies for my first trip to the valley. My grandpa even taught me the ropes on fishing.

I had finally lined all the water with crab pots so that turned a good profit. Well lets stop daydreaming and get to work.

I grabbed my axe and headed into my greenhouse. It always felt like a fairytale in here the way the butterflies inside took shelter from the cold, the bees which harvested honey from the small flowers on the ground. I smiled a bit. "Maybe ill leave some extra fairy roses here so the bees will finally have something to polinate better than some small marigolds."

I harvested the rest of my melons in the top corner of my greenhouse. Pulling as hard as I could on the sprouts yanking each up. "Holy hell Pierres gonna love these, especially this time of year" I loaded the melons up into my wheelbarrow and whisted for Valeria to come up. Her mane was so pretty this time of year she galloped over from drinking water by the custom Sauna in my greenhouse. "Im sorry Gal but we gotta brace the weather just for a bit I promise Ill get you some carrots whilr were out" I swear she could understand me cause my beautiful black stallion nearly galloped over and hooked up the wheelbarrow herself.

"Hold on girly lemme plant first!" I set the fertlizer down first patting the wet soil gently with my gloves I had gotten some deluxe fertilizer after doing some strange requests for mr Qi over on the island. These fertilizer were a pain in the ass to craft almost always nearly killing me for a small trip to the skull mines just to get enough irdium for one! And Here I was holding 50 packets in my backpack and 10 already in the ground.I certainly had the scars to prove it one right above my elbow that made me wanna wear longsleeves year round. Not like I had much of a choice this month.

After packing the soil with fertlizer I ran my hands gently through the fairy rose seeds. I couldn't tell what it was but something about these packets felt lovely maybe magic but just.. left me with a nice feeling. Whiping my brow over the fact I had just broken a sweat planting seeds. "Holy shit im out of shape" Maybe the years of being a college student who did nothing but play games and watch anime did it. Yeah certainly was that.

"Alright girl hyah!" I whistled loud and proud making she got the right signal and off she was! Treading through the snow, I had felt a little bad about making her go out in this weather so I thankfully Emily had sown me a nice heavy blanket for her which certainly Valeria loved. She refused to sleep in the greenhouse without it.


Pieree waved to me as I went out the door for the second time today and hopped up to take the small ride back to the farm before I had someone stop me.

"Hey Athena! Your always doing so much for us well I wanna do somethint for you. Abigail told me you've been working real hard so ill take Valeria back go have some fun at the saloon."
Caroline insisted and when someone offered in the valley I had learned the hard way there was no telling them no. A few months back I told Willy I didn't need a new pole as my gramps had left his here. Well the next day a brand new fiberglass one was there on my porh with a can of fresh bait set out with a n note. Hey Athena! I bet your gramps didn't have this take care! Fun to finally have another fisher in the valley.

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