Chapter 3 The past is full of mistakes

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I awoke next to Valeria completely knocked out from the day I had just had. Still dissapointed in what happened I heard some footsteps outside, back in the city footsteps were scary especially unwelcome ones. My mind filled with thoughts of night terrors and always wondering if someone outside was trying to get in. But I quickly was taken back to reality to be honest you can tell alot based of the way someone walks, Heavy walking usually means a man or someone bulky back in the city I was scared of bulky people but here almost everyone who farmed had some muscle from pulling up plants and making the land do their bidding. Quick and fast footsteps were usually from someone in a hurry who either wanted nothing to do with you or a lot to do with you no in between. But these? These were gentle and no one in the valley had such a pace to them unless I was just unfamiliar with them.... I waited till the footsteps were nothing but a faint memory and opened the cold door.

Pacing myself through the snow I saw that the mail flip was up. Huh I thought I didn't sell anything from the cart was it someone's birthday? My mind flooded with painful dreary thoughts, but when I arrived the letter was sealed with a nice beautiful stamp signed Sophia with a lipstick mark to seal it.

"Hey Athena! Im so sorry about yesterday around late my meds stop working so I usually call it a night then. Im really sorry it seemed so uprupt and out of the blue I didn't mean to give of the wrong idea but I couldn't think right and needed some space. That aside you were so fun to talk to silly! Its always nice to meet another farmer stop by my Vineyard and we can talk anytime! hope to see you soon
- Sophia <3

You know that warmth that had felt like a distant dream filled me through with joy again nearly consuming me and making me bolt fullspeed to pierre's not caring what happened I had news to tell and Abby had to hear.

I couldn't even wait for 9 when the store opened I had to tell her now. Abby always told me to knock on the window if it was an emergency and this was one. I practicly felt like I cracked the window with my persistant knocking and hard hands full speed against the window.

"ATHENA WHAT THE FUCK its 6:30 am!!! Couldn't this wait till atleast ten!" A drowsy Abigail pulled her window up and made some space for me.

"No its big please come on!!! Your my best friend in the valley can you please let me in I swear itll be worth your time 100%%%!!!"

"Ugh fine here let me help you" Abby tugged me through the window and helped me get settled in I felt weird only wearing my pajamas in her room since She insisted I let the snow full clothes stay oustide.

Abby went to get make some hot chocolate and eggs as I had completely forgotten about breakfast in my rush. I did that alot thankfully Abby made sure I was on track.

"Alright whats so important it couldn't wait till later this better be good!" I handed her the note with a massive blush and pointed to the name filling her in with all the details from last night while she read over the letter"Oh this is good!!!! Athena!! Holy hell are you crushing on Sophia?!?!?!?"

"SHUT UP keep it down will you!!! You want the whole valley to hear?" After a long sip of hot coco and a bite of sunnyside up eggs with toast Abby had prepared I continued. Flushed more than a strawberry I failed to meet her gaze and continued with my hopefully love story as its been so far. "I met her last night and I think she's... Well she is amazing!!! Holy hell what a girl her hair is pink!! I really have a thing for that color its Aprodites collar color! Its the barn doors color hell even my jacket is pink right now! And don't even get me started on her laugh its so cute!!! I practicly fill with butterflies when she speaks ready to burst! The words that leave her mouth I grasp on to each one like a never ending field of flowers! And damn do I never wanna let go.... Ahhh! Im sorry I overtalked again Its force of habit sor-

Before I could continue Abby shut me up she listened with sparkles in her eyes with joy for me she could have gone to the stars above with how high she jumped with joy for me. "Athena no no! Thats wonderful!!! Im so glad you found someone holy shit!! And the way you describe her she must really be special do you know her hobbies?"

"Well uhm no I dont really Im not really good at asking that stuff besides we just met I don't wanna rush things between us I just." I looked outside to the glimmering snow the reflection of the morning sun shimmering slightly and gently like it did in winter enough to show its still here but just a little dull this time of year. "Shes like a fairy to me like magic" I blushed and turned my eyes to the ground still nervous to be talking with girls with Abigail sure Abigail always told me about her crushes first there was Emily, then Haley who knows whos next!

"Well I know a little bit about her I can tell you just don't go too crazy on me alright?" I nodded my head before letting her continue. "Well shes a farmer she makes the wine you love so much, I thought it would be funny to let you find out on your own and I think shes into sowing alot? I see her hangout with Emily and Haley sometimes. But thats all I really know. You gotta give it a shot Athena you could really go far with her and have a frienship or even something more! Hey whats today?"

"Lemme see" I opened my half dead uncharged phone to see it was friday the 19th Holy shit I let time fly too fast here. "Its friday the 19th why?"

"Thats perfect! She invited you and todays not a holiday I'd say honestly go for it! Stop by the vineyard and hangout! They only make wine there so its gotta be boring this time of year."

"Oh thank you thank you thank you Abigail!" I hugged her one last time before running out the window or I guess diving out it. I was gonna go see Sophia Like it or not Im facing my fear.


Shorter chapter! Promise next will be better!

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