Chapter 7 Happy Birthday

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The last few days had been agony. Incredibly hard to feel good or even move. The wizard had stopped by my farm where Id been staying for the last couple days with Sophia's care since my injuries. He was able to thankfully give me some advice about what to eat and use. He reccomendd super meals as they help the body heal and boy did they, it had only been a day of me trying them and I was feeling so much better. I could finally walk on my own without Sophias help.

I wish I could say the same about my arm though. It was in terrible condition my hand was fine buy my entire below wrist to my elbow was in a cast I could barely lift things.

"Hey honey! Please don't push yourself alright im really happy you are feeling better but just be safe okay." Sophia leaned up and kissed me on the lips holding my damaged arm gently. She then set my arm gently into a comfier position picked up the rest of the hay from my purse and gave it to the cows.

"Thank you Sophia you've been so nice to me lately after what happened to me even staying with me to help take care of me." I embraced her kissing her on the lips before she let go and got back to work on the farm feeding the cows.

I felt so terrible already having Sophia take care of me and even worse today was her birthday. I couldnt make her day special. Thats when I had an idea. "Hey sophia! Im gonna head into town I love you okay And happy birthday!!!!!" I jumped towards her making us fall to the ground. The warm barn hay covering our fall as we fell into a giant stack of hay. I teased her kissing her neck before snakeing up her and licking her lips. I couldnt get over how amazing she was. How lovely she felt and smelled she was a taste I never wanted to forget loving every second deeply. We dancest our dance of two lovers falling for each other day and day more by more. This time literally. I couldnt stop loving her for everything she was. Eventually we let go off each other mouth hugging the other.

"Ow shit fuck that hurts" I pulled away sharply my arm still in pain from the meds I was on and healing bone.

"Are you okay honey? Im sorry I didnt know it hurt that much here ill give it a kiss" Sophia gently kissed my arm and smiled at me. "Thank you for the birthday gift honey although I hope youll have something more for me tonight" She blushed not meeting my gaze and hoping to enjoy more of me tonight.

"Ill treat you like the goddess you are dear but im off into town now for real this time love you!!" I kissed her hand and walked into town with a plan to make her day special.

Town was impossible to get through with everyone coming up to me asking how I was doing I could barely make it to Pierre's without having Emily, Gus and Haley ask if they could help me. "Actually yes! I have a plan can you guys help me out? Its Sophias birthday and I can't do anything special with this. Emily, Gus can I rent out the saloon and only invite a small few people? All of you and Abigail. Wait does anyone know Sophia's friend? I haven't heard of her and want her to be there to celebrate her birthday."

Haley suprisingly knew her. "Oh! Her names Scarlet! I think shes in town! Ill tell her to be there!" Everyone else agreed and set off to help I had to talk to Abby.

I walked into Pierres and was given a massive hug by all three of them.

"Athena!!!!! You're okay!!!!!!!" Abigail cried tears upon tears into my jacket " I thought Id lost you that day and my parents had to see you like that im just so happy your still here!" Abigail sobbed again again this time happy tears not sad.

"Me and Pierre will never forget that day im so happy your okay Athena!" Caroline swept her tears away so happy I was here.

"Lets go to my room Athena! I wanna talk to you!!!" Abigail led me to her room again where she had been a massive help and even saved my life lately id been depending on her so much I wish I could do something for her. "Heres the stone I got that day thank you im glad your okay Athena!"

"You saved me and My gear I thank you for that well mostly its alright though im glad im still here too!"I hate to admit it but my infinity sword had seen better days damaged from getting impaled and taking the most of the blow to my back. And unintenionally saving my heart it could of pierced my heart and killed me.

"Hey meet me at the saloon in 2 hours Im setting up a birthday for Sophia and would love some help!" Abigail agreed to meet me there and I took off for the saloon.

When I arrived I didn't even need to tell anyone what to do Haley had baked a cake and Emily and Gus had made a ten course meal! fit for everyone and the special guest had finally arrived Sophia my one true love.

"Happy birthday Sophia!!!!!!!" We all cheered and I kissed her hugging her so tight. I loved her so much and she did make my world spin.

"Athena!!!! You did this all for me!!!! Holy hell I love you!!!!!!!" Sophia grabbed me tight and spun me around gently with my one good arm.

"Athena!!!!! I didnt uhm know you two were in that way!!!" Haley was the only one suprised the rest of the group laughing pointing out how obvious we were.

The night was great and Sophia had the best birthday she ever had. She introduced me to Scarlet who was so happy I was with Sophia she congratulated us on a healthy relationship and me and Sophia left the party late after a great night.

We arrived home late and walked in the door together. "Hey Athena? If its okay with you its been a long day I have on more request for my birthday. Can I go take a bath?"

"Sure! You dont have to ask ill change and wait in be-"

"Thats the thing Id like to take a bath together if thats fine with you. If not I understand I promise I wont try anything either it just seems like itll be nice especially with you silly"

I blushed at the offer still nervous but led her by hand into the bath we both stripped and got into together gently. I layed first and Sophia layed on top of me in the bath. I held her waist just enjoying our time.

"This is really nice Sophia I didn't think id love this so much" I was incredibly nervous having this cute girl lay on top of me in the soothing water.

"Im glad you like it silly this has been a great birthday. Athena?"

"Yes cutie?"

"I love you Athena I really do thank you for the amazing birthday" She kissed me once again.

This was a new exprience someone enjoying me and my body without judgement or sexual intimacy it was nice. As we now lay in bed completely nude smothering each other. Moving from the warm bath to nothing but warm covers embracing each other. "Im nervous Sophia this is really comfortable cuddling bare its like Im as close as I can be to your heart."

"Im glad you love it silly its really amazing. Athena I love you and the life weve built together I hope youll let me move in someday your too nice to not sleep with everynight my silly little girlfriend." She kissed me and we rested after a long day.

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