Chapter 4 Meeting your idol? Or lover?

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I walked up to the entrance to the vineyard and read the sign. Blue Moon VIneyard by ------------------------ Sophia

Huh there was a cross over some writing now. But its best not to ask until your given an answer. I walked up the door and noticed the beautiful scarecrows lining the grape trellises that were unfortanetly out of season. I can't wait to see them grow maybe I can even help! Whoah girl slow down way too fast again nice and slow.

Knocking on the door I felt a weird lump in my chest a heavy one at that it was like I wanted to do this but still feared the outcome. Its why I hated dating I always wanted a lover but hated the actual talking someone and asking to be yours part. But my knock was met not by a lovely welcome but a door creek.

"Uhmm... Hello? Is it Harvey?" A shy voice met me on the other side of the door.

"No its Athena! But I got your letter Sophia! Your uhm seal was really pretty! I uhm got some grampleton orange chicken! I was wondering if I could come by and say hello!" That must've been the magic answer cause the door flung open and a lovely girl greeted me.

She was wearing some Madoka Magica pajamas and some pink fuzzy slippers inside her mansion of a house compared to my once upgraded one. Fuck it was like this girl knew all of my weaknesses and was hitting them all at once how did she know what my favorite anime was and did she know how cute she looked!

Regardless I stepped in and took the mansion in for a second still in awe at the size. The mahogany kitchen and beautiful leather couch by the fireplace. She led me to her fireplace and sat me down by the warm fire. "Uhm was a little embraced to take my coat off cause you'll think im stalking you" I took off my coat to unveil that yes I was a dork too and was wearing my favorite Madoka shirt with Akemi holding her hand from rebellion this must've struck a nerve cause that got her talking.

"YOU LIKE MADOKA MAGICA TOO!!! silly I could kiss you right now! I even dyed my hair like Madoka's!" Taken back by the response she had just said Sophia covered her mouth and blushed a little having those words left her mouth.

"Yeah its uhm kinda my favorite of all time! But hey lets uhm eat! I don't want our food to get cold while we become two dorks on the floor."

"Oh right!!! Im so sorry for talking to much here!" Sophia grabbed some utensills and poured us two glasses of wine one of Strawberry and she must've given me something good cause this was the best Blue Moon Wine I ever had!! It was delicious!! It even had a little flower wrapped around the bottle it was delicious!

"Hey im really glad you came by, I feel comfy with you Athena." She gave me that dorky smile where she closed her eyes and barely even winced showing her full facial features causing me to almost choke on my food. Catching myself quickly and drowning it with some wine.

"Carefull! Id hate to lose someone again" Again? those words struck a nerve and certainly not a good one. "Anyways im sorry once again for leaving last night I feel... safe with you so Id like to tell you about myself.... I used to be really open it was a couple of years ago probably a few years before you moved in. I got a call from Gus and Lewis it wasn't good news Mom and Dad had a truck crash into them and it....

She struggled to get the words out but I understood. "Oh my god I had no Idea Sophia here uhm come here can I give you a hug?" I met her eyes and locked a glare with her that seemed to tell me to come close to just come right up and help me please. Im begging. It was all to familiar before she could even say another word I engolved her in a massive hug holding myself completely in her grasp and letting the world that wronged her spill her tears all into me.
"I could never understand what your going through but im here for you Sophia. Hey? don't you have a tv overthere I mean you seem pretty comfy with me and I wouldn't mind hanging out with you instead of the cold do you wanna watch some anime?"

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