Chapter 9 A celebration

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"Hey silly!! What ya doin Athena! Thinking about farmwork? Or how nervous I make you!" She laughed she was so cute when she teased I overlooked the nice island house.We had decided to take the weekend off at the beachhouse and just enjoy each others company.

"I was actually thinking just about that Sophia how much you mean to me" I kissed her and pulled her close I liked it when she was near my heart afterall it was where she belonged by my side and today I was making sure of it. "Lets go for a beach walk I wanna show you something and talk"

Me and Sophia walked the ocean shore of the ginger island and looked at the beautiful sunset in the background. Summer was coming to an end but my love for her sure hadn't it was just beggining. "Im gonna start it off Sophia I've never been so happy, you find a way to make me smile in every place and moment. You're the reason im happy here. Im so happy I met you Sophia I just wanna say once again I love you. I truly do. You're like a gift that never ends and I want my life with you to never end I want it to bring more blessings and joy day by day so what im saying is. Will you marry me Sophia?"

I presented the mermaid necklace as it sparkled in the sun bright and huge. I stood anxiously the longest wait ive ever had and waited as I met her gaze.

She struggled to speak and fell to her knees and I dropped to mine to hug her. "You really want me to be your wife? I-I-I accept!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kiss me my wife!!!!" I jumped into her arms and made out with her on the beach I've never been so fucking happy.

"I love you Sophia!!!!" I kissed and kissed and kissed her I wanted nothing more than every second of my days to be filled with her and this was assure it.


She was beautiful I faced toward her while the whole town watched and Lewis gave his speech.

"We didn't know if Athena would fit in when she first moved her but she is gonna be a a part of this community as ever!" I looked Sophia in the eyes tears flowed like a river as I saw into those gorgous eyes she was beautiful and I will never forget this day.

"Well lets get on with it. On this day of Summer 26th I pronounce Athena of Valkyria farm and Sophia of Blue Moon Vineyard Wife and Wife. You may kiss"

I pulled her in and bowed her down staring at her for a second to just take it all in the flowers the birds chirping the way the whole valley stood silent as we united in harmony.

"Kiss me Athena make me yours" She proclaimed eyes closed happy to be with me I swooped in not a second late
Kissing her for the first time as my wife Sophia.

I came back up and picked her up " This is my wife!!!!" I screamed and once again kissed her. The whole town cheered me for us flowers were thrown and the whole town rejoiced.

"Sophia it looks amazing on you" I wrapped the necklace around her neck and gave her hickie while I put it on.

"Athena!!!!! Were in town silly!!!!!" She blushed full of embrassement.

That night I slept for the first time feeling complete I moved in to the vineyard with Sophia and held her. "Sophia?"

"Yes Athena?"

"Thank you for everything lets always look out for each other and have a healthy and lovely marriage together okay?"

"Yes Athena lets always be in love with each other even when were old and wheeling to watch anime together" she teased"

"I love you Sophia"

"I love you too Athena!!!"

She kissed me and we slept my cat meowing happy for his new mom and me. Just happy she had somehow choose me

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