My Beloved

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It's been a while..
Its refreshing,your eyes always looks the same..
Beautiful and Dangerous..
Our alliance, no, our friendship has been going for awhile now.. right?
I assume I know you the most or more than you know yourself..

Can I atleast have special place in your heart?

"hmm,I don't think you fit in there,my slaker life is just enough in there"

Aaaww How cruel..

"Shush, So then about 'That' Shall we discuss about that then Cale Henitsue?.."

Might as well, My Beloved..

_______________ ____ __ _

It does seem.
the universe is endless.Endless timeline, endless version and Endless beings.For all my years I see the same.Beings fight in a useless battle,Beings who fall too carelessly,Beings that gave up too easily.

All of beings will eventually dies...If so I wonder, what will beings do if they hold this kind of power.

The beings that are neither cruel or kind.The beings that caught god's attention...The beings that can manipulate others beings...

Even with their weak and fragile little bodies,With this kind of information..

What will happen if they obtained them..This knowledge..

If they do so will they use this for their own selfishness or greediness..

Nothing to expect then..

The universe is sad and boring, all beings just chase after their own greed and prides..

Slowly turning them into monsters....

"Or will the universe be lucky and have those that use this for good?"

Good? I assume you don't believe in this so called 'Good'..What kind of monster like you would like to be associated with this word?

"Hmm, you are half-correct ,I am a monster but also a human-"

WAS human..


"But for your information I do believe in that word...I live long enough to experience it.. and I must say it is a wonderful word.."


Then what do you mean by 'Those'?


"I wouldn't say those but I hope it will be a those, but I am certain that it will be a someone.I know and believe in it"


Who is this 'someone' you are taking about?

"No telling!"

Humph! How childish..

Sometimes I wonder,why you trust this 'someone' soo much.


You wait, wait and wait but to no avail.. sometimes I think you are stupid, no , but a complete madman!

Why would you trust that someone soo much !? Is that really what you want!? Waiting here for eternity!? For what we know that someone could be possibly be dead by now!


I been here long enough and I know that NO one have ever succeed or being here except for you, NO ONE!


"How annoying"


"I do not care if I have to wait months,years,decades or even and eternity!... All I know is that I trust him..beside I got to laze around and do nothing!"

Sigh.. I don't know what thought process you are going through but now I will leave you alone, I got better things to do that dealing with you!

"Yeah, yeah go away a don't bother me again!"



'His eyes..It looks dull and full of sadness.. I know that man have gone through alot and all the times I spend with him here I never see him having that much emotion in him.. Except when he is taking about that 'Someone' His eyes and posture always look dead and stiff like his soul left his body and all its left it's just a shell...but when he talks about him, he look alive again..'

'i really wonder, What and who are you thinking about, Kim Rok Soo'..

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