Afraid From What?

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On eyes still lock onto the suspicious figure, scanning for potential movements. But out of a sudden she heard a voice.

'Miss! Your tarts is done! Would you like me to wrap it up for you!'

The baker lady ask with a kind smile.

The figure move by changing the head direction towards the baker lady.

'Yes, please..'

The figure have a voice sounded small, timid and shy also sounds like a 15 year old girl., but hidden behind the shy voice is a firm and steady voice wrap around the shyness..

On felt a tap on her shoulder.

'Noona don't stare at her like that! You are gonna scare her away!'

'So she is NOT a threat?'

'I am not sure..She seems familiar, it's like.a smell that I remember..'

On began to sounds curious.

'Oh! Where is the last time you smell the scent.'

'When human came to save me.'


'Well than, Raon, what do you want to do now..'

'I am not sure, I have questions to ask, but I am very unsure whether she is approachable or not..'

On dindt notice but Raon eyes were speaking another story.

Maybe not speaking.

But remembering.

'When i was in a dark place, i once heard a whisper.. Telling me to live.. I don't remember the voice, but i felt that she had suffer somethings similar to me..'

'How would you know?'

'Just a hunch, i recognise the smell of suffering, when i smell one.'

Raon tones were calm, Raon dindt notice the tense state On in, but On quickly relaxes.

'Well my dear younger sibling, I am gonna do what I call, Cale's move.'

On smirks as she pull out a pouch out of her pocket.

'Cale/human move!?'

Raon and Hong speaks at the same time ..

'Dont be surprised, he do this very effective move on us before'

On snorted at the two confusion faces.

The pouch that were filled with gold to the brim, jingle on On palm, and a smirk almost resembling another redhead sat nicely on her lips.

'Its called "feeding random kids and somehow adopting them into my weird life, and fed them constantly, also became and accident father figure".'

' If you want a shorter description its just "Cales move, volume 2 homeless childrens"'

'Noona , human influence you so much, that i really think you should stop at your now dark humor level, if you advance, i highly recommend you get a therapy.'

'Raon whats therapy?'

'Yea what that!?'

'Honestly i don't know either.'

On eyes still lock onto the mysterious figure, before the figure could lift up to pay, On with a confident and rich voice yell at the baker lady.

'Miss!! You don't have to pay! I pay the tarts for ya!'

On than jiggle the pouch, making loud clanging noises.

On than stood up, walk to the baker lady, pay with a golden coin and says with the most optimistic voice.

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