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A 23 year old man with golden short hair, defined complexion and a white like powder face.

Blue eyes stare to the fallen redhead and a painted smile decorated the perfect Roan Kingdom Crown Prince, Alberu Crossman.

'Huff, huff...'

Rosalyn who were just finishing the last goons of Redika change her direction of attention to our fallen redhead.

She huff as she was depleted in mana but concern after hearing the little dragon message.

Her eyes went  sharp, She is ponder of what her next move shall be.

Cale has instructed her to direct the attention out of him.

Cale does not want people to question his existence, for personal reasons.

But now the crown prince himself is taking an interest to Cale.

Rosalyn knows that this is not the time Cale wish to prove his exitance thus if been found out all Cale hard work would be in vain.

She gritted her teeth bit than smile after having a thought.


A noble subconsciously mutter and that gave Rosalyn her ticket.

She smile and put her best heroic face ever.

And yell with all her might.

'The violence and destruction a have ended, We all have survived!'

All the eyes change and landed towards Rosalyn.

'We are here to  protect the citizens of Roan Kingdom! We will hunt and destroyed the attackers!'

'None will tarnish this glorious festival and get away with it, not in my name and not in history.'

'The leader may disappear but We have time and power in our hand! A puny little gang would not be allowed to hurt and injured our citizens!'


The nobles smile in delight from the thought

Rosalyn raise her hand to the sky.

'Not on our watch!'

Play to be the hero's huh?

Than I shall play.

Rosalyn internally smile on how much nobles would walk on all fours just to have this much spotlight.

With all the eyes on her she secretly gave a signal to Cale.

'Haaaa... Thanks miss Rosalyn..'

Cale panted in relived for a bit but the tensions is still there, he need to quickly get out of here.

But the crown prince eyes haven't move an inch.

He merely stare and didn't say anything.

But than he frown and mouthed a few words.

Than he smiles again.

Choi Han who was standing behind Cale thought that the crown prince is mocking Cale.


Cale flinched on the sudden yell but than make a motion to Choi Han to calm down.

Quickly Choi Han calm down.

Choi Han still have a little pissed off face but when he try to look at the crown prince again he face turn puzzled.

The crown prince is wearing an amuse expression.

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