7 - The Unique Girlfriend

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Akari looked at him in shock, before a huge grin filled with pure joy started to climb on her face. She laughed, grabbing Hiro in a hug.

Hiro froze in surprised as Akari rubbed against him, happily laughing as she squeezed him in a hug.

"Yes!" She smiled. "I will!" She let go of him, stepping backwards. "I'll see you tomorrow!" She skipped away.

'What...just happened?' Hiro thought to himself in shock.

Had Hiro known about the upcoming events that would shortly transpire, he would have never accepted that date, and had never asked her to be his girlfriend.

Unfortunately, Hiro couldn't see the future. He had no idea of the danger he was in. Instead, he walked home, blissfully unaware of what he had just gotten himself into.

~~ April 9, 2014 ~~
~ Kiken City ~

Akari couldn't be happier. She had done it. She had won over her soulmate. Oh, how she couldn't wait for their wedding, their honeymoon, their first kids, and everything else.

She would have to watch out for any skanks, however. Who knows what Yanemi's goal was, not to mention Hiro's charms could also possibly win over those Council members.

And what about that baseball player?! Akari would leave him alone for now, but should he gain an interest in her soulmate...

Lights out.

Akari wouldn't let anybody else have him. He was hers. HERS.

She hid behind the corner, watching as Hiro walked back to his house. He seemed to be in a good mood, no doubt from gaining a girlfriend as amazing as herself.

Suddenly, a thought struck her. As much as she wanted to smooch him in front of the whole school, she couldn't. What if somebody tried to do something to him...?

She would deftly punish them, but she'd rather prevent it altogether. They would have to keep their relationship a secret. For now.

She pulled out her phone, texting Hiro a message. 'Hello. This is Akari Sumiko.'

Hiro felt as his phone buzzed. He looked down, seeing a text from an unknown number. 'Hey. What's up?'

Hiro hummed to himself in confusion. Since when did she get his number? Had he given it to her?

'Let's keep our relationship a secret for now.' Akari texted. She watched as he read the message, unaware of her following him. 'If that's okay with you.'

'Of course.' Hiro texted back. 'I think that would be the best at the moment.'

'Alright. Good night.' Akari replied.

'Good night.' Hiro added.

Hiro pocketed his phone, starting back on the walk to his house. Akari trailed behind him, watching.

She had already been to his house, but it was almost like they were walking together. One day she wanted to walk next to him and hold his hand, but this worked for now.

It didn't take long for Hiro to reach his house. Akari watched as he entered, the lights inside turning on.

She maneuvered towards the back of his house. She had scouted earlier, and had found a perfect tree which happened to be in his backyard. With it, she was able to peer perfectly into his bedroom while stay hidden.

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