ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 2

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"Wake up nuh likkle girl uh have school" mommy shouted.

I'm most definitely not a morning person and it pains my heart every morning when mommy wakes me at 5 am when school starts at 9.

She always a seh 'early bird ketch the most worm' but what if the worm dem nuh wake up yet?

I pull the sheet from my head and say a quick 'thank you god fih another day' then I sit in the bed staring around a bit till mi finally come to the conclusion seh mi wake an deh yah same way fih real.

I got up and started cleaning the room a bit after I finished spreading the bed. I checked my phone to see if anyone messaged me.

'Lol this shameful eh'

No one did, not even Mark, he left me on seen and he has yet to give me a call or send me back a text message.

I'm getting tired of him treating me like shit, I think the only reason he's with me is because of my figure and the fact that I always help him with his coursework.

I quickly push that to the back of my mind and turn the music on, only music can calm mi.

'God did know wah him a duh when him create music

I walked to my full body mirror and look at myself, a nuh nuhn nice.

Mi hair stick up all over the place and mi tear up big shirt a show mi nipple, mi foot dem white an look ashy like mi nuh bathe in ages.

The song 'Incognito' start play an mi start sing in front the mirror all while a gwan wid miself, dah song yah bad yf!

After mi likkle dance fest mi move to the bathroom fih guh get miself ready.

After doing my facial routine wash mi face brush mi teeth and dem ting deh. Mi guh over inah the shower an mek mi tell uh smtn inah dem early time a morning yah the water did cold like Antarctica.

First thing mi duh a run under the water an run out back, mi affi mek mi body get used to it before mi start duh nuhn. Mi duh dat again till mi feel a bit better, mi soap up mi rag an duh mi thing.

Hah, uh think cold lick yet?

A when mi a dry off mi a feel all the coldness a come back, but mi body did feel free and nice.

And that is why ladies and gentlemen, uh fih BATHE!

Mi run een a the room naked as the day mi born an mek mi tell unuh smtn before mi guh nuh further.

'Mi clumsy bad' as mi a seh now, mi run een a the room an before mi know it mi deh pan the grung.

Let's juss say mi get a blotclaat drop, mi juss laydown there till mi feel a bit better mi get up caah mi use to this, mi use to the embarrassment.

Mi put on mi under clothes lotion up an guh out inah the living room fih mi breakfast, mummy did cook mi favorite this morning 'cornmeal porridge'.

Mi guh dung inah it wid piece a bread mi sure it aguh wull mi fih a good while. Mi wash out the dish, kiss mummy, and tell her thanks.

Mi mind did a tell mi fih tell her seh mi want brown stew chicken fih dinner but caah mi love mi life mi juss keep mi mouth shut an guh put on mi uniform.

Mi check mi phone again and still no message from dirty Mark, mi really an truly juss a wait fih hear him excuse.


Mi put on mi bag and give mommy a next kiss mi did a look fih the one Mathew fih tell him later but mi realize the lazy fuck did still asleep.

Mi walk out the house and head down the road, today a Monday suh drive naah guh suh hard fih get.

Mi finally get a drive after waiting bout 10 minutes and mi see dirty Sherian inah the front.

Mi and her use to be fren but from she start associate wid the don roun yah, she gwan like she better than everybody.

But mi a give her a long rope fih heng herself because she caah fight and the don baby mother want her dead or alive.

Mi guh in the taxi and say morning caah elders did in deh mi only hear the one Sherian a talk bout "all of a sudden uh dash mi weh".

Mi look roun pan the people dem inah the taxi, caah to how mi did sure a couldn't me she a talk to.

Mi hear she seh " Tricia, you mi a talk" mi reply " a couldn't me uh a talk, uh find new friend and associates suh stay wid dem mi good "and with that, mi stop listen to whatever she did a seh.

Mi finally reach a Bay an mi affi tek a next taxi fih reach school. Mi guh pan the Freeport stand an mi get a taxi same time.

Him never tek long fih load suh in no time mi reach a school.

Mi look pan the time an 8:30, mi tek mi time walk to class, and as suspected nuhbody nuh reach yet.

Mi juss sitdung ina a preferred seat in the middle an guh pan tik tok. By mi, second video people start come an every minute mi affi a say morning.

I mean it's good manners inuh but imagine thirty good mornings every other minute.

The Lecturer finally reach, she always late kiss mi teeth.

Dem ppl yah need fih know seh when mi wake suh early a morning time fih reach yah dem can duh the same to.

An funny enough she nuh have a chick or a child she ever a talk bout her man this and her man that, rass man goodly a give her bun.

Today's Quote

"Me a crawsis...leff me alone"


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