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Mek we mix it up a likkle🎉

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Both couples met the next day, both women beaming with smiles.

Britt is glowing from all the things done to her body last night.

Cia was at peace and in high spirits, 3gran was calmer and more relaxed, content that he had satisfied his woman in all the ways she pleased.

Stinga is his usual self, calm and attentive, he smiles as he recalls last night, holding Cia in his arms.

The four sat down at a table in the famous Sharkies restaurant. They ordered and sat awaiting their food while the women chatted off each other's ears.

West of them at the next end of the island a young lady spits anger as she tries to think of a plan to take down the don of Canterbury.

In all her acts of demise against him, she has failed. The two were once peas in a pod but one chose greed and the next chose to live with the position given to him.

A man that is sworn to be dead is the leader of the southern mafia. He was kidnapped by an old colleague who caught up on the dangers that lurked at his doorstep.

He has now gained the trust of hundreds of men while keeping a low profile, he is set to come back to the public's eye and rekindle a relationship with his sons.

One would say, "trouble inah the camp".

Mathew's Pov ( Cia's brother)

Bumboclaat Catty a mek uh affi a suck mi hood suh?

Too much teeth muma!

Memba anuh me duh uh nuhn inuh!

Suh duh, nuh come tek it out pan mi hood, please, and thanks.

She got up from her knees and sat on the bed beside me. I'm not one to listen to people vent but mi just listen wah she a say cause anuh like mi did have nothing better fih duh.

"Mi nuh have nobody fih really talk to, since there is no strings attached here mi aguh just say something to uh since it a take a toll on me."

I nod and she continues talking, "So mi use to have this regular customer, him have money an ting but him only call mi when him waah let off likkle steam.

Which a normally very often, mi nuh know wah kind a work him duh but him own couple club and ting round the place.

Him never yet kiss mi or gwan lovey dovey wid mi, which mi coulda understand.

Him just fuck mi, pay mi, and drop mi inah the town.

One day when him a drop mi off mi ask him if him can buy mi breakfast, mi never expect him fih duh it since him hardly talk when we meet up.

Anyways, him pull up a Margaritaville and gimi extra money, mi sitdung inah the car caah all my mind a say him aguh come in wid mi.

Mi only hear when the man say, uh get extra money gwan guh buy breakfast then nuh. Mi smile and guh buy the breakfast and guh back inah him car.

As mi say him is not one fih talk much when mi come back inah the car mi did a try make conversation wid him but him did look annoyed suh mi just shut up.

Mi guh home and a week pass no call mi nuh get from him, mi been a think bout him suh mi decide fih pop up a him yard.

Mi deh outside a good half and hour stand up and mi nuh see him come, the gate a him yard high so mi couldn't even tell if him did deh home or not.

But mi remember him talking on his phone and hearing him tell someone him yard under 24-hour surveillance.

All inah my mind mi a say if him did deh home him woulda must see mi by this, the time did get really late and when mi decide fih leave mi see him drive up a the gate.

To how my glad bag buss a pay teeth mi did a show, him open the gate and tell mi fih guh in while him drive inah the garage.

When he came out the car he looked annoyed and a bit angry, however him manerasable suh him tell mi Goodnight and we both got inside.

What got me is how quick he wanted me, normally him nuh look inah mi face when him a fuck mi or behave a certain way.

To how him did a act an a deal wid mi rough mi coulda tell mi a get punished fih something wah mi nuh know bout.

Only fih hear the man say a next girl name, I mean mi know anuh my man or nothing but mi feel it uh fuck.

And after everything, mi realize him did a fuck me but a think bout a next girl.

It cut deep yf!

The next day him drop mi in town, from that time till now mi nuh get a call or nuhn from him.

Mi realize a must the gyal name wah him call mi a cause all a this, him just push mi to the side like I meant nothing.

Mi know the gyal wah him bench mi fah deven nice, suh mi nuh know a wah pan she suh wah nuh deh pan me.

Me even lef mi panty a him house, the night caah mi a say if she fih ever come over she aguh see it.

Mi maths out everything inah mi head and say yah if she see the panty she aguh lef him, but is like the gyal stand up inah the man life and naah move."

By this mi bored as fuck, mi deh yah a listen her likkle rant bout 30 minutes now.

All mi coulda reply is, "eh"

Wah else mi coulda possibly say?

Mi get fih understand say a deven her personal man she a talk bout, issa next man.

Mi know her rightful man is a police, Catty sell pussy like dog, fih a big woman wid Pitney uh feel like she woulda just ez.

A good while now mi a chop it, since she claim her side man get new gyal muma give mi the position.

A caah badda inah this blclt!


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