Chapter One

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Kath spent the night dozing poorly, her mind full of whispers and hidden spaces in the world, and she woke to a text message from one of her work friends.

U in early? U got the new accountant 2day!

"Crap," said Kath aloud, tossing the phone aside in disgust. Of course. I'm due to be working with the new recruit today... Their boss had finally been persuaded they needed another member of the team and recruited; Kath had already booked a fortnight off for her county rugby tour when the person started, but she'd faithfully promised on her return she'd be there bright and early to talk her through her cases.

Retrieving her phone, she replied to Mark. Yeah, I'm going to be well late. What're they like?

The answer was instant; clearly Mark was up and about. Lol! She's...gotta say, not makin a gr8 impression. :( Unfriendly. Shes not our kinda person...seems good at the job tho so probably wont stay long. Seems careery. Kath pulled a face - that was an in-joke for the kind of serious up-and-coming City type they occasionally had flit through the office. They never stayed long and generally ended up in something which required fifteen hour days in Westminster.

Ugh shes gonna love me, late and looking like cack to boot!

She stuffed the phone into her bag, ignoring the beep of Mark's reply, and searched for some suitable clothes.


The Tube from Wimbledon was on time but Kath was already far, far too late when she finally crawled, bleary eyed and clutching her second paper cup of coffee, through her office door. But her boss didn't even seem to notice.

"Ah. Great! Kath. Just the person. I've had our new recruit ready and waiting for you!" He winked, far too chummy for this time in the morning, but an antidote to the nonsense of the previous night. Kath tried to look a little more alert. Great. New girl's going to think I'm some kind of mess. "She's going to be taking on some of the extra cases on your team to start with although her specialism is in tax rather than sales and marketing. Actually, her background is in Physics, but we won't hold that against her!" Another wink and a hearty laugh.

"Ahaha," said Kath, deliberately forcing her lips up into a perky smile.

"Sure you'll all get along just fine," he nodded. "I'll leave her in your capable hands. Hope you love it here already, Lady!"

And with a nod for the new girl, he stepped away and revealed her to Kath.

She stared.

The girl - the woman - was the most extraordinary person she'd ever seen. She held herself like a queen, even though she was a good few inches shorter than Kath herself, she seemed taller. Her shoulders were held proud and back, her spine straight, her chin up, her gaze direct. And...Those eyes. God. They were green, but until that moment Kath had never quite appreciated how 'sea green' could be an eye colour. Not a normal blue-green but the kind of luminous underwater green that she'd find in coral reefs, or Bahama shores. A wave of dizziness passed over her, and she reached out one hand to her desk to steady herself. The woman had heavy, wavy, brown hair, down past her shoulders, and a raised scar across her chin - that had to hurt - and wearing a far sharper dress suit than anything Kath or her colleagues would ever wear, but none of that even really registered. The woman didn't even flinch at Kath's gawping; she just looked back, silent, calm and unconcerned.

Where are your manners? She's going to think you're insane. It's not like she can help the way she looks. Mark didn't tell me she looked like she's radioactive...

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