Chapter Forty One

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Stepping through the portal and back into the alleyway in Richmond was the work of a moment. One heartbeat James was behind her, and the next she and Pes were stepping alone over the threshold, and there was James lying on the ground, Lady kneeling beside him. She sprang up as they emerged and the door faded into nothingness behind them.

"Thank – thank the Light, I was..." she trailed off, but she grabbed Pes' hands in hers, hard enough surely to bruise, her expression fierce as she stared up into his face. He didn't reply, merely looked down into her face, but Kath's attention was on James, who was groaning and stirring. She fell to her knees by his side, heedless of the grubby pavement.

"James! You're...come on, mate, wake up!" She rested her hands on his shoulders, and slowly, his eyes opened. His expression was muzzy and confused, and his features screwed up in pain the moment he resumed consciousness, but he was alive. Kath exhaled a breath she didn't realise she'd been holding, and gently pulled him upright and into a hug.

"Kath? What happened? My head, it's gonging, where am I?" He turned his head from side to side, trying to focus. "This town?"

"Yeah, just out of the pub," Kath said. James' face twisted into a confused expression.

"We were out, right? Someone roofie me or what? I feel awful...and I had..." now he trailed off as he studied Kath's face, too intensely for comfort. "A dream. A really weird dream. There was this kid, and a dance, and you were there." He rubbed his cheeks, trying to restore some life to them. "Wasn't there another bloke here a moment ago? Tall guy. One of your mates?"

"I think perhaps the heat of the evening may have combined with a lack of liquid and you passed out," said Lady, her face absolutely impassive, stepping in front of him, shielding Pes as she dropped his hands. James frowned and opened his mouth to protest, but Lady simply fixed him with a long, hard stare, and he wilted. Kath patted his shoulder comfortingly, silently thanking Lady nonetheless. 'Coz I didn't have the faintest clue what to say to him! I thought he wouldn't remember it at all...

"Oh. Ok," he mumbled. "Oh, man, I've got to get up early tomorrow."

"You'll be fine," said Kath, beaming inappropriately. He's fine, he's just fine. Got some colour in his cheeks. My god, he could have died.For real. The smile faded a bit from her lips. We've got to stop this. Is this what'd happen if they win? They'd just – eat everyone's souls?

"Bright here," James murmured, using the wall to pull himself up to standing. Kath straightened up beside him, ready to catch him if needed. "It's got to be gone midnight at least though?" He was staring at the space where Day was hovering at the end of the alley. She started, and ducked around the corner. James frowned, glancing around for the light source. Lady was staring at him.

"I'm going to take you home, mate," said Kath, forcing some cheer into her voice. "Sounds like you're not right still. Come on, let's go get the bus. I don't mind being back late. I'll take you back. You alright, you tw- I mean, Lady? By yourself?"

"Of course," said Lady, but her tone was distracted; she was studying James' face as though the answer was written there. "Please go and recover, James. By tomorrow this should all be just the dream it is."

"Later today, you mean?" James joked, and groaned. "Ow. Forget it. My head. Sure I didn't drink too much?"  

"Heatstroke can be quite damaging upon the senses," said Lady, completely serious as ever. Kath tried to nod calmly in agreement, forcing away the combination of panic that oh god he remembers he knows our secret! and pure giddiness that he was alive. That I survived the bloody realm of Death!

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