Chapter 1

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It's finally here everybody. My very first chapter in my very first book. First off I just wanna say that I'm super stoked to be here and that I really deeply appreciate you tuning in to read my first ever story. Well without futher adu, lets get righ to it.


School had just ened and you were walking back home being since you had no friends you had nobody to hang out with. It didin't bother you tho. All you wanted anyway was to get home and put in work on your rap game. Little did young Y/N knew was that on this day his life would change forever

Y/N: *Mind* I wonder if dad is out drinking again or if mom is out partying, I would really love to be home by myself for tonight*

It's the weekened and most of the time your parents aren't home, so you wouldn't have to hear your parents bitching at you for no reason and shit talking down on you dreams, it didn't really bother you, but you would perfer to just not hear it at all. You reach your house but noticed the front door was left wide open and your parents cars still in the driveway.

Y/N: *Sighs* I guess they havent left yet and must have forgotten something. I'll just hide out here and wait until they leave.

25 Minutes later

Y/N: Goddamn what the hell is taking them so long to leave? It's not like them to be taking this long to go out to drink or party.

You decided that there taking too long and you don't wanna wait outside anymore, so you instead tried to sneak through the front door and hopefully get into your room without your parents seeing you. Just as you enter the house a foul smell was in the air and it made you sick to your stomach, you decide to ignore it and tried sneaking into your room. When you got upstairs something catches the left corner of your eye.

Y/N: Is that blood? It isint that time of the month for my mom yet. My parents probably had another fight that eventually got physical. I better get in my room before any of them see me and take their anger out on me next.

Once you have reached your room you hear a moan that stops you dead in your tracks. You think one of your parents are standing behind you due to your bedrooms being across from each other's in the hall, but when you turn around expecting any type of beating nobody was there, but you do see a trail of blood entering your parents room. You walk over to investigate what the noise was. The next thing you see sends shivers down your spine. You see a random person all bruised up, bloodied, and worst of all, eating both of your parents like BBQ ribs.

Y/N: WTF IS GOING ON HERE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

The random person turns and sees me with the most souless eyes I have ever seen in a human being, next think I know he's chasing me wile snarling the whole time trying to take a bite out of me. I make it over to the kitchen fast enough to grab a kitchen knife from the drawer and hide myself from the dangerous intruder. I plan my escape by waiting him out until the time is right to run out the front door.

Y/N: Come on already show yourself so I can leave. I dont know what the hell is wrong with that guy, but I'm not ending up like my parents today. I don't want to kill him, but I will if I have to.

You hear a vase breaking on the floor and decide to peak from behind the counter to see where the vase broke. You see the man over by the vase and use this opportunity to try and sneak away. Unfortunetly you manage to trip on one of your shoelaces alearting the man on where you are and chases after you while you get up and try to run out the door.

Y/N: Almost there, just a few more steps and I'll be outta here and hopefully lose this cannibal.

Just when I was about to make my escape I get grabbed by the hair and pushed onto the ground losing the knife in my hand with the stanger on top of me trying to take a bite out of my neck. I wasen't strong enough to hold him back, but my small figure allowed me to slip past him and hide in another room which was the guest bedroom. I qiuckly hide under the bed and kept quite while the man walks in trying to find me. He walks into the bathroom and I quickly closed the door behind him locking it by putting a chair under the doorknob as I hear him banging on the door trying to get out.

Y/N: Jesus christ that was a pain. What in the actual hell is wrong with him? I've never seem anyone bite through human skin like that. That is a horrific site I'll never get out of my head. Better get out of here before he busts that door open.

Just before I left I notice something on top of the drawer next to the guest bedroom bed. I went over and picked it up. It was your uncle's combat knife that he left behind last Christmas which was 2 months ago. He was in a rush to get back on his plane home to New York he forgot about it. Your uncle was the best. He would always look out for you way better then your own parents could, so you decide to take that combat knife with you, as it is the only thing you have to remember him by while he's not around.

 He would always look out for you way better then your own parents could, so you decide to take that combat knife with you, as it is the only thing you have to remember him by while he's not around

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Uncle Tromane wherever you are I hope your safe and happy with your family. I then take the chance to make my leave and just ran as fast as I can far away from my house until I start to lose breath and enter a random backyard hoping the people here don't call the cops or shoot me on site as I started to catch my breath next to a tree house.

Y/N: Holy hell I ran a lot, I need to get in better shape if I wanna stay healthy, I don't wanna end up like my parents with all their problems from all the drinking and smoking. I wonder if anybody is home or even in the tree house.

I decide to check the tree house first since I'm already in front of the tree. I hear someone inside and decide to go slowly to hopefully not startle them and get punched in the face. As I enter I see a light skinned girl about my age with very curly hair and a baseball cap with the letter D on it and a walkie talkie in her hand. She looks at my terrified, so I decide to help ease her down and show her I'm not a threat.

Y/N: Hello there, are you ok? I'm not here to hurt you, I am just looking for some help.

???: I need some help too, maybe we can help each other.

Y/N: Sure I can help you out, what do you need help with???

???: I just need someone to help look after me, I don't know whats going on with everyone today, I'm so scard.

I then decide to comfort her by giving her a side hug and tell her that everything is gonna be ok and that I will look after her until we find help.

Y/N: So............. What's your name??? I'm Y/N L/N.

???: I'm Clementine Marsh.

Clementine Marsh hu? What a pretty name.

Y/N: What a pretty name.

This causes her to giggle a little

Clem: Your name sounds nice too.

There you have it folks. Chapter one completed. I honestly felt really proud while writing this chapter. Big thanks to RyeWrld for helping me start off the story. I'm going to be having a lot of help setting up the story, but the dialogue will be all me. Hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter. Until then peace out my homies.

Clementine x Male reader season 1Where stories live. Discover now