Chapter 3

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I am gonna timeskip to where we arrive at the DrugStore and were already inside, cause the barn is only to help you get to know the characters your going to be with for the coming episodes, but we all already know the boat god and his family, so lets get into it.

Y/N Pov

We were all about to be eaten alive until a women with another guy came out and saved us from the man/women eating freaks but were immediately scolded by another women with a very pissed off expression on her face with an equally pissed off older man who is probably her father or something.

They were arguing about us being dangerous or not that leading to the old man thinking that Duck was bitten by a freak outside, but Lee and Kenny said otherwise and I actually could confirm that he wasen't bitten since I was right next to him when it happened, but I could already tell that this asshole won't listen to reason since he is already not listening to 2 grown ass men, he even told his own daughter to shut the fuck up which I also find out her name is Lilly.

So no thank you, I ain't touching that with a 10 foot pole.

Y/N: Where the hell did Clem run off to?

Clem: Lee

Lee: Yea?

Clem: Theres someone in there.

Lee: It's just locked. Keys behind the counter... Probably.

Y/N: Need some help with that door?

Clem: Yes plz.

I then went to go look for the key that is hopefully behind the counter like Lee said and while I was looking I hear Clem screaming, as I turn around to see a freak on her getting closer to biting her.


Lee runs to her, but bumps into Lilly and falls on the ground. Then it came down to me running to Clem and pulling the freak off of her while shouting.


The freak then jumps on me making me drop my knife and tries to bite my neck. Just when I thought I was going to die...


Just then a gunshot was heard killing the freak on top of me as I then push it off of me to catch my breath. I look to see it was the same women who saved us from outside which I remember her name being Carley.

Carley: You ok??

Y/N: Get me a nice condo with a studio bult in it and I will be just swell, but other then that just peachy.

I say this jokingly as I pick back up my knife and I get a suprise bear hug from behind by Clem. I feel her tears on the back of my shirt as I just sit there and tell her.

Y/N: Still keeping my promise. I won't let any harm come upon you.

Clem: T-T-Thank you so much.

Lee: Yea you did good Y/N, I am proud of you and acknoledge your bravery.

Just then we hear the other freaks trying to break in after the gunshot. So noise attracts them hu? Good to know for the future. The old guy then speaks up.

Old Guy: Their gonna get in.

Kenny: SHUT UP.

More gunshots are then heard outside the drugstore making the freaks lose intrest in us.

Lee: Is that the military?

Lilly: I don't know.

Glenn: Thank god for whatever it is.

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