Chapter 15

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I have been in the RV with Carley for some time now and we also completly forgot that Mark was even with us. He has just been passed out in the back of the RV this whole time. I guess all this stress has really gotten to him. Me and. Carley had a very pleasant conversation on what happened. Yea I was a stubborn hard ass at the beginning, but Carley just has such a way with words that she can almost easily calm me down. Almost. Anyway after a while we wake up Mark and we all exit the RV to find out that the train works and it leads us to exactly where we need to go. Savannah. We also met an old guy named Chuck. Charles if your fancy. Normally I would get an off vibe from strangers, especially ones who looks skeptical, but for some reason. I felt nothing but good vibes around him. Like he is trustworthy and that we won't have to worry about him turning his back on us like my cousin's so called shithead friends. At least we still have Max. His medical skills will help us for a long time, but I should talk to him when I have the chance to learn a thing or two about the medical field. Can't be to sure that he will live for a while longer. Better safe then sorry. We are all currently sitting in the boxcar in the back while Kenny, Katjaa, and Duck are in the front watching the tracks controlling the train. Me and Clem are sitting dangling our feet off the train as we watch all the trees and bushes fly past us.

Chuck: It must be hard trying to take care of 4 kids in a world like this with not having much supplies. No disrespect son.

He says this while looking at Ben as he hangs his head down a little annoyed.

Lee: There where more of us.

Chuck: Dead get em?

Carley: Well we believe one of them did, but where not too sure.

Chuck: Ahhhh, so the living got the rest of them.

Y/N: I had to kill two of them.

Everyone looks at me shocked at what I just said.

Aiden: Y/N.

Max: But Aiden said he killed them.

Y/N: He shouldn't have lied, cause he knows I ain't afraid to admit what I have done. So you still have the nerve to not trust me hu Aiden?

Aiden: Y/N I--

Y/N: Just save it Aiden. You have already caused enough damage for one day and I've done enough for one day. So just zip it and leave me the fuck alone. When I want to speak with you I'll let you know.

Aiden hangs his head down ashamed it's come to this between you. He should have thought about that before saying the shit he said back there. Then nobody else, but me noticed Chuck whisper something in Clem's ear then went to leave the Boxcar making his way to the front. I decide to follow him and ask him myself what he told Clementine. I make it to the front and Chuck is on the outside, so I go outside with him, but before I did I see Duck sticking his head out the side window with a huge smile on his face with his mouth wide open as we had just knocked a walker off the tracks and got sent flying. (Doesen't this sound familiar?)

(Just replace Lee with Katjaa and Ben with Chuck)

I then walked up to Chuck as he leaned on the railing in front of us. He sees me and has a smile on his face.

Y/N: What?

Chuck: Y/N L/N. Your uncle would be proud at the survivor and man you have became.

Y/N: You know my uncle?

Chuck: He's like a brother to me. We have been through it all together. We used to run together in the Military long ago. It's how we both learned to survived out in the wild. We got bombed and our whole platoon got whipped out. We had a mole in our ranks and it costed us dearly. We managed to get out of it, but not without some battle scars.

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