51 | Guard Your Senses

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"Every sight, sound and thought that you allow to enter you, is like food for your heart

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"Every sight, sound and thought that you allow to enter you, is like food for your heart. It can either enrich. Or it can poison. It all depends on the quality. You wouldn't drink poison. And you wouldn't eat mold. In the same way, don't allow poisonous and moldy food to enter your mind, eyes, or ears. Guard your heart, like you guard your body. Remember, even your body is temporary. Your heart and soul are not. They will move on from this fleeting life and will meet God in whatever condition you leave this world in. Keep them healthy. What does that mean? It means that when you get a negative thought (demeaning self-talk, despair, doubt, fear, waswasa), don't indulge it. Don't feed it or allow it to stay in the sanctuary of your mind and heart. When you come across immodesty or anything you shouldn't be looking at on the street or on the screen, lower your gaze and protect your heart. When you hear indecency, guard your ears, and protect your heart. Remember ALLAH has said:
"The Day when there will not benefit [anyone] wealth or children. But only one who comes to ALLAH with a sound heart." (Quran 26:88-89)"

— Yasmin Mogahed

— Yasmin Mogahed

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