52 | Sincerity

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Our lives consist of a myriad of seconds, but only a few of them have made it into the depths of our hearts and memories

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Our lives consist of a myriad of seconds, but only a few of them have made it into the depths of our hearts and memories. It's the raw and sincere seconds in which we were truly present with every inch of our heart, mind and soul; it's the moments in which we truly felt—those are the moments that stay alive in our minds. And they stay in our minds because we poured our souls into them. That's how those moments stay alive forever, for the soul never dies. And see, the beauty of this is, that when we sincerely love people around us for the sake of ALLAH, they too carry parts of our souls inside of them. Because in our love for them, we pour fragments of our soul into them. And in their sincere love for us, they too pour fragments of their souls into us. The pieces of your soul that are now living with someone who used to be by your side at all times, and the pieces of your soul in the people that are still by your side today—all those fragments of your soul are never lost, and they're never dead. Thus, do not mourn any of the pieces of your soul you gifted to people whom you sincerely loved for the sake of ALLAH. For sincerely giving pieces of your soul to people will never be in vain. Your soul will not become less because of that because your soul is eternal and neither will those fragments have been given in waste, because in that very moment in which you gave them away, it was real and most importantly: it was sincere. So, give. Give in sincerity for the sake of ALLAH and you shall receive. 

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