A Hideaway in Mayfair

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The prominent family arrived at Blackthorne Hall in Mayfair, London at around noon

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The prominent family arrived at Blackthorne Hall in Mayfair, London at around noon. The ladies were dressed and ready to head off to the modiste almost immediately after settling in, with the gracious help of their London staff, all three of them eager to begin the season.

Lucy, Eleanor, and their mother made their way to the prominent shop, in high hopes. The two sisters wore matching shades of pale purple to convey their purity and innocence, while their mother wore a much darker and aristocratic shade of purple. They opted to walk to the modiste because they knew it was a short distance and that their mother could do with some exercise, since it usually helped to be mobile whenever she was feeling weak. They were greeted happily numerous times by acquaintances and friends, welcoming them back to the city after their long while away, as they walked through the esteemed streets of London. Once they finally reached the shop they were in pursuit of, they pushed through the doors and were greeted by the welcoming colors of spring present in all the glamorous dresses on display. That, and the feminine and alluring voice of the one and only Madame Genevieve Delacroix.

"My Ladies, Your Grace, it has been an age since I have seen you- come in, come in," She said with her soft French accent. She was a well-endowed woman in terms of physical appearance, alluring even to Lucy. She found herself wondering if gentlemen ever looked at her less-developed frame and thought the same. Whether she was considered attractive at that present moment or not, she hoped that one day she would develop a more typically feminine figure- it was something she was always insecure about.

Genevieve guided the three women to a private room, where they were offered tea and sweet French biscuits that they always had when they visited the shop. The room was spacious and had a platform situated in front of a three-part mirror, meant for someone to stand on so they could either get measured or try on their glamorous new frocks.

"I hope you're not backed up with orders, Madame, because we have a rather large one- both of my girls are making their debut, so I would like them to have an entirely new, and elegant, wardrobe," Margaret said with a hint of excitement in her voice.

Lucy knew her mother was more excited than she let on, but chose to hide it so as to remain composed and proper while in front of polite society. The two girls giggled slightly, thrilled at the prospect of an entirely new wardrobe. As the daughters of a duke, nothing less than perfection was required of them, and a main aspect of that perfection was what they wore in public during their first seasons.

"Anything for you, Your Grace. You know you're my favorite customers" Madame Delacroix said with a wink.

After Lucy and Eleanor were both measured and selected the colors and materials they liked, they thanked Madame Delacroix for her time and went on their way back to Blackthorne Hall.

"Oh, mother- you wouldn't mind if we stopped by the park, would you? It's been so long and it is my favorite place in London" Eleanor asked.
She pleaded with her eyes for a couple of seconds, until their mother spoke up.

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