My Muse

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A/N: this chapter contains discussions of pregnancy loss.

Bells rang as the newlyweds exited the modest church through the front door, the crowd of family, friends and townspeople all gathered and throwing loose flower petals at the bride and groom. Beatrice, Lucy's new sister-in-law, had her hand in the crook of Henry's arm and the pair were gazing lovingly at each other as they walked down the narrow path. The Suffolk wind blew her veil and cream-colored dress around her wildly, making her look like an angel. Her sun kissed brown skin glowed and her hair, a fiery red shade, flowed down her back in untamed curls, plaited at the sides. Lucy did not know her well, for her experience during the season focused mainly on trying to avoid having to marry Bancroft, but she could tell that Beatrice was the perfect match for her brother. The free willed and lighthearted personality he carried was reflected in her in every way – there was no doubt that they would live happy lives together as one.

After the church ceremony, everyone gathered back at Wyndall House to have the celebration ceremony. All of the Bridgertons were in attendance, along with their spouses, as were a few members of the royal household. The ceremony was being held in a tent in the gardens just outside the back of the grand house, which was decorated with flowers that framed all around the sides of the tent and hung from the ceiling. Lucy and Benedict braved a dance with one another after the bride and groom had opened the floor with their first dance.

"Do you think he's doing better?" Benedict asked, twirling his wife around.

"I think so. He does not speak of father much, but I think us moving into the house has been a big help," Lucy responded, turning her head slightly to try and catch a glimpse of her brother. He was entranced with his wife, floating around the floor and stealing kisses every so often.

"Beatrice definitely brings out the best in him, do you not think?" Benedict asked, following her line of sight. Lucy nodded. The dance came to an end, the quartet pausing momentarily before starting to play again, a more upbeat song this time. Lucy and Benedict vacated the floor in search of refreshments. As they walked over to the table they had previously occupied, Lucy saw that Beatrice was taking a break from the endless movement as well.

"I should go and congratulate her, I will only be a moment," Lucy said to Benedict, who nodded in acknowledgement and kissed her on the cheek before she departed. Beatrice saw Lucy approaching her and her face morphed into a warm smile, stretching out her hands for Lucy to take affectionately.

"I wanted to welcome you to the family, Duchess," Lucy giggled, smiling at the new Duchess of Suffolk. Beatrice's smile deepened as she laughed at the title.

"Please, no need for formalities – as you have said, we are now family," she smiled, squeezing Lucy's hands. Lucy ceased her giggling somewhat and addressed her sister-in-law in a slightly more serious tone.

"You truly make my brother happy, I can see it – anyone could see it. even when he talks about you, his face lights up in a way I have never seen before. I wish nothing but the best for the both of you," Lucy smiled as she felt her eyes warm up with emotion.

"Why thank you, dear sister – but shouldn't you be off with your husband? I know how gardens get you two rather excited," Henry interrupted, as he appeared behind his new wife and wrapped an arm around her waist and sported a mischievous grin. Lucy glared at him in confusion, knowing that her face was turning a shade of pink.

"Perhaps you should save your more eventful picnics for when you venture further away from the house," he winked, much to Lucy's horror.

"I will return to Benedict now – thank you for your suggestion, Henry," she said as she shot him another glare, before turning back to Beatrice and smiling warmly once again.

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