The Birds and the Bees

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Tw: smut, mentions of childbirth and blood. 

Beads of sweat were ritually rolling off of Lucy's forehead, as she panted deeply with every pain that shot across her lower stomach. Each time they came, it felt as though she had been struck by lightning. Eleanor was gone for no longer than two minutes as she rang for help, but those two minutes felt like an eternity.

"I heard footsteps, I think someone is coming," Eleanor said as she rushed back to her sister's side. Lucy gripped her bump tightly with one hand and the arm rest with the other as she tried to brace herself for the next wave of pains inevitably coming her way. It only dawned on her then that she had been feeling odd since the ordeal with Bancroft began earlier – the stress of it must have induced her labor. The pains had been soft, creeping up on her quietly, but then decided to finally explode as she must have been nearing her time to push already.

The footsteps Eleanor had spoken of grew closer, and picked up in pace as Lucy's screams and groans grew louder, until the butler peered into the room and made a beeline to Lucy. He looked worried and helped Lucy to her feet, but then presumed to carry her as it became evident she was certainly not steady on her feet.

"I do not know how to thank you for this, Thomas," Lucy muttered in between groans as he quickened his pace.

"You need not, my Lady. I wish for you to deliver safely and swiftly. It is now part of my duty to ensure that happens," he responded. With Eleanor following alongside, the three of them eventually made it to Lucy's chambers. The halls were empty – most of the family must have gone to bed – but Benedict was not in their chambers when she had arrived.

"I will call for the physician and midwives, my Lady," Thomas explained as he gave a quick respectful nod of his head and motioned to exit the room, after setting her down on the bed.

"Benedict and mother as well, please. I need them here," Lucy spoke, wincing as another jolt of pain ripped through her body. He turned around and nodded once more.

"Godspeed, my Lady," he spoke finally as he exited the room, as though Lucy was about to embark on the longest journey she had ever been on. She supposed it was an accurate description of childbirth and motherhood – a journey. One that would certainly be treacherous at times, but also rewarding.

Lucy stood and shrieked once again at the pressure that threatened her lower abdomen, and held on to one of the tall bedposts.

"Sister, please – you must lie down!" Eleanor exclaimed in worry as she rushed from the door to her sister's side. Lucy grunted a no and held on more tightly to the bedpost, hunched over in complete agony. Eleanor seemed to not know what to do, for she simply stood in silence rubbing her sister's back and repeatedly muttered things like "it's alright," or "it will be over soon,"

As she breathed deeply through another pain, the door to her chambers opened and a gaggle of people walked in – the physician, two midwives, her mother, and Benedict. He looked distraught and rushed to her side. Her mother also shared a look of worry, but seemed calmer than her husband, and certainly more calm than the shaking Eleanor who had migrated to the corner of the room.

"Luce, I am so sorry – I was having a drink with your brother, please forgive my absence," he apologized as he offered her hand. She took it just as another pain hit her, stronger than the last ones, and Benedict's yelp at Lucy's tight grip on his hand was almost as loud as her cry of pain.

"My Lady, I must insist that you lie down. You simply cannot birth the child standing," the physician huffed in an authoritarian tone, to Lucy's great dismay. She craned her neck around and glared at him violently. Judging by the pressure she felt while she was standing, She knew that no baby would fall out of her if she were lying down on her back, that was sure. She did not need to be a doctor to realize that.

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