A Day for A Glorious Wedding

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A/N: hii everyone, I really hope you like this chapter, I think it's one of my favourites so far :) also the title is a corpse bride reference i had to do it but dw it's not foreshadowing anything hehe.


Eloise, Penelope, and Lucy were in the Bridgerton girl's room, eagerly waiting on Eleanor's arrival. The sun was shining through the thin white curtains, its rays peeking around the sides and center and brightening the room with a glorious bath of spring morning light. As if the morning couldn't become even more perfect, Lucy was faced with constant reminders of the day's upcoming activities as she glanced around the room. Her lilac dress hung up neatly near her full body length mirror, the matching necklace and floral hair jewels in the same shade placed neatly on her dressing table, and her veil hung up near her dress.

She was lying down on her bed, comfortable, with Pen and Eloise on either side of her. Penelope was so excited that she was here before anyone had even woken up for breakfast. Eloise was also considerably excited, which was a surprise to everyone – including herself. Lucy supposed it was because she and Benedict were close, and she was happy that he had finally found someone to spend the rest of his life with.

"Oh, heavens no, I'm just glad that I can finally call you my actual sister. You are stuck with me now, I'm afraid. Stuck with all of us, Lucy" Eloise laughed.

"Now it's Pen's turn," Lucy mused and while Eloise kept giggling, Penelope twisted her head to look Lucy in the eye.

"What do you mean?" she asked. There was a smile on the girl's face, but it seemed to Lucy to be one of discomfort for some reason.

"Just that you need to get yourself a Bridgerton brother so that the three of us can officially be sisters. It's about time we all joined families, don't you think? The perfect excuse to spend every holiday together," Lucy, giggled. Penelope simply nodded and began chuckling awkwardly. The room quietened for a while, the three of them just lying there in peace after talking for what felt like hours that morning, but just as quickly as the room was enveloped in peace, chaos erupted. Eleanor came barging into the room, squealing. She had been to officially meet the queen with their mother, father, and Henry just the day before, so Lucy presumed that was what she was behaving so erratically about.

"Are you alright, El? How did it go?" Lucy asked, sitting up on the bed. Eleanor stomped over and plopped her body at the end of the bed sitting cross-legged, facing the three girls.

"No, absolutely not. Lucy, it was awful, I think she hates me. She definitely hates me," she began, her eyes turning red. Lucy reached her hand out and grabbed her sister's.

"I'm sure you are thinking too much about it, what happened?" Lucy asked softly.

"Well, we went in, I bowed properly and everything, the prince was there too, and then she started interrogating me about you, Lucy," she exclaimed. Penelope and Eloise sat up at that, sharing a nervous glance between each other.

"Why would she interrogate you about your sister?" Eloise questioned.

"Apparently Rumors of her unsanctioned escapade reached the palace, and she's less than impressed. She does not want her son tied to a family that may be faced with scandal, she wants to set an example of the perfect union," Eleanor huffed. Lucy could not help but feel guilty.

"I'm so sorry, El. Does this mean she won't allow you to marry?" Lucy asked.

"Well, no, she did give her permission, but I'll be on a tight leash. The only reason she said yes was because the prince practically begged her – we met in the gardens after, he told me himself. He also assured me that things wouldn't be as bad as I am imagining they will be, but I just don't know. I don't know if this is a good idea," Eleanor explained.

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