A Homecoming of Sorts

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A/N: ahhh thank you for 11k! I appreciate you all so much and I hope you're enjoying the fic so far. If you want to read more of my work please feel free to follow so you can stay updated whenever I publish any more Bridgerton fics, I would really appreciate it <3 I also have a Harry Potter fic currently published that I will probably continue writing once I finish this one, there are about 8 chapters up right now!

The two carriages came to a halt at the front of Blackthorne Hall, and Lucy's father stood still at the door, waiting for his disobedient children to alight. The pit in her stomach grew deeper. Benedict exited first, and Lucy followed closely behind. Her brother and Colin were already out of their carriage, waiting for the couple with slight nervous expressions on their face. Benedict seemed to not share that feeling though. Instead, he had a stern look on his face, one that Lucy had never seen on him. It was the look of a man who had his mind set on something and was not going to allow anyone to change it. Lucy glanced over to her brother once more and walked towards him.

"Henry," she began.

"Don't worry, he's not drunk- yet. He won't do anything in front of Colin and Benedict. And tonight, I'll just go to my Bachelor lodgings further in the city. It will be alright," he interrupted, before she could say anything. She nodded and tightened her grip on Benedict's hand, which she didn't realize she was holding, and he gave hers a soft squeeze as well. The four of them made their way up the grand steps of the front entrance, exuding confidence.

"My Lord," Henry spoke. There was a stiff air to his tone of voice.

"Inside, now. All of you," their father stated. His face was scarlet and there was venom in his voice, but he spoke calmly. The four of them obliged and followed him into the house. No one spoke a word until they reached one of the drawing rooms after the duke abruptly slammed the door shut behind them.

"Darling, please- Eleanor is resting," Lucy's mother said from the corner of the room. The heavy weight in her stomach lifted at the mere sound of her voice.

"Mother, oh-" Lucy started, but was cut off by her father flying into a rage.

"How dare you disappear for days on end like that- have you any idea how that makes our family look? Do you? You must be sick in the mind if you think you can do that with no consequence," He spat, seething with hatred.

"Father, please," Henry spoke.

"And you, you're lucky I have not already flattened you, Henry. You disappeared with your sister without even leaving a note, did the two of you even think about what this could do to Eleanor's engagement to the prince? No doubt the queen would not approve of him marrying into a family whose women are unhinged and disobedient" He added.

"Please, lower your voice. We can have this conversation in a civilized manner," Lucy spoke. A wave of confidence washed over her.

"Be quiet, girl. You will not tell me what to do, you are my property, in case you have forgotten. You can go to your rooms and I will deal with you when I see fit," he responded maliciously. She felt a stab of pain in her chest. Property.

"My Lord, I would appreciate it if you did not speak to my wife that way, and she is no longer your property may I add," Benedict finally spoke. Her father looked at him dead in the eye, not saying a word. No one said a word for what seemed like forever, not until the duke flew into another fit of rage, more intense this time.

"Your wife? WIFE? I think not. I did not permit this so whatever you think you have done, it shall be undone. Nowhere in England would marry off a girl of nobility without the consent of her father, her guardian," He countered.

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