Ch. 6 - Blood Demon Art

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"Chan... ONII-CHAN!!!!" Suddenly Gyuutaro jumped from the screaming voice.

"Huh? Where am I?" He looked around and saw that he was at a cave away from the sun. Yet he could see things clearly.

"ONII-CHANNN" Gyuutaro turned his head over to the girls voice.

Standing infront of him was his little sister. "Ume?"

Then he got tackled by her.


"Ah jeez, why would I forget my beautiful little imouto? You must be dreaming" Gyuutaro joked.

"ONII-CHANNNN!!!" Ume pouted at him.

"Sorry Ume, I apologize" Gyuutaro said as he patted her head.

They were still the same, but healthier. Both of their skin was pale, but they were fine.

"Ume, you have three eyes" Gyuutaro stated with dotted eyes, pointing at your third eye on your forehead.

'Although I know Daki had three eyes I can't help but feel a bit creeped out.' Ume thought to herself.

"That's your eye that's stuck on my forehead" Ume said deadpanning.

"Ummmm. No. The third eye is glowing plum red color with slitted pupils" Gyuutaro sweat dropped.

"... WHAT?!!???" Ume screamed after processing what he said. PLUM RED EYE WITH SLITTED PUPILS?! DA FUCK????

"WHAT THE *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*" she screamed on top of her lungs.

Then Gyuutaro quickly covered her mouth to stop her from screaming again.


"HMHMHMHMHP" Ume tried to get out of his grasp but failed.


After things have calmed down Gyuutaro let go and made you sit down with him.

"Soooo. We're demons now? That's it? What are we suppose to do?" Gyuutaro wondered, muttering that last part to himself.

"I think we have those supernatural powers, let's try them!" Ume said excitedly. Finally she could do most breathing, fuck she was relieved that demons have such natural strength.

"How do we know what kind of superpower we have though?" Gyuutaro asked confused.

"I don't know" Was all she said before going to another place, he called out to her but since it's night and Gyuutaro knows his sister might do some independent training, he didn't bother looking for her.

Second POV:

You found a secluded area near the lakes and went over to test your blood demon art.

'Wait, do I even have one when I haven't consumed a human?' You thought, the more you thought and more gloomy you were. Damn if you can't get a blood demon art you are committing arson.

'I like how I'm really calm about this though.'

you went over to the lake and looked at your own reflection.

You still look like the original Daki, but this time your third eye is really plum red.

'Did someone do something?' You tried to recall anything if you were still conscious when you were about to turn into a demon.

"Master, this one rejected your blood that I gave her"

"... how much do you think she can handle my blood? A handful or half a bottle?" The man asked as he looked straight into your soul.

And then he sliced his hand, letting it drip down and putting it into your mouth.

'I rejected his blood? There is no way right? How much blood did he gave me?!' You wondered, why didn't you die from to much blood. You were sure he gave you more then a bottle of water.

Equivalent to maybe uppermoon 1 or 2.

You shooked your head and decided to think about it later.

'I'm sure I have Daki's demon blood art, Flesh Manipulation right? I can try that' and you started to think how to form your blood demon art.

Slowly, you felt a certain heat energy coming through your veins.

You opened your eyes and widen them after a glance at what you did.

"Woah, they are pretty!" You admired them. It was pink with beautiful patterns on there, you think it was more beautiful then the original's.

You tried your blood demon art out, grabbing a tree and pulling it out without much effort. Good thing it was night or else you wouldn't be able to test them out.

"AH SO COOL!!!!!!" You squealed with delight, although you weren't exactly happy about becoming a demon earlier, but with supernatural powers you wouldn't wanna miss it.

Earlier you create a plan to kill Muzan while not getting yourself killed by demon slayers.

'I can be like Tamayo, maybe we can finally be at peace then... or maybe we can try living again' you thought about what you should do. Die after he dies or continue living like Yushiro.

You shook your head again, your getting distracted.

"Do I have another blood demon art?" You muttered. You want your own original blood demon art.

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