Ch. 8 - Ume and Gyuutaro's Glorious Life pt. 2 but uh oh.

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"Happy birthday MC!" Everyone said happily as they celebrated your birthday.

The kids cheered, Gyuutaro happily cutting the big cake that was made for you, and the workers started to sing their hometowns special songs.

It was loud, but it's still fun.

"Thank you everyone, now let's eat the cake" you said, handing out slices of the cake everyone helped you to bake.

"MC is the best!!" The kids said as they gobbled down their cake in the plate.

You took all those kids in.

You either bought them from their abusive families or bring them from the streets. Orphans.

The past months business has risen up by ten folds, everytime when you introduce new food everyone across the entire street will crowd the place until it was all sold out.

You had boys do the cooking and cash register while girls will do baking and performing.

Once you had enough money you build a whole entire new floor to have bedrooms for the residents to stay in.

To be honest.

You somehow made guards for yourself.. some boys and girls wanted to repay your kindness with protection. They all know your a demon but they aren't afraid of you.

'They are really kind' you thought while looking at the kids play.

You had everything sorted out.

Kids age 0 - 8 will just play and have a good childhood. But have school, you made for the kids to learn cuz yes.

Kids age 9 - 14 will practice on serving food for costumers and taking orders while learning whatever they wanna learn.

Kids age 15 and up will be working at the restaurant until they will be seniors. Which the seniors could guide the young ones and perform using the Shamisen, Biwa or the Ryūteki.

Giving all of them time off on Sunday to do whatever they want. They need a break every now and then.

Everyone calls you MC (main character but they don't know that) making you all flustered because you aren't the protagonist at all. But you went along after awhile.


"MC the food storage is running out again" Buddy said, looking at his documentaries of food supplies.

"It's fine, Dora has all sorted out from the field, saying that they will be delivering the food tomorrow." You said, trying not to laugh at their parents naming skills. Dora.

"I understand" and Buddy left.

You sighed, looking out of the window from your office on the highest floor.

It's crowded today as well.

People walking around, people selling and buying, Eating, and playing.

'Peaceful.' You continued to stare.

Until one sight has caught you off guard.

"????" Your eyes widen at the sight of a man, who was wearing a traditional Japanese Haori.

'Holy fuck... am I hallucinating?!' You wiped your eyes again. And again. Not believing what you saw.

Suddenly, the man made eye contact with you.

A electric shock went through your entire body.

"KOKUSHIBO?!" You screamed, you couldn't believe it.

Even though he only had one pair of eyes, you could still see three pairs of eyes staring at you.

'If he finds us, we're most definitely screwed.' You started to panic, breathing fastened.

You looked back to see if Kokushibo was there still, but to your worst nightmares he reappeared in your room.

"AACK!" You screamed again, right now your a screaming mess.

"..." he just stared at you. with his six creepy eyes.

You sweatdropped.

You forced a smile onto your face.

"Hello. How may I help you?"


'Stop keeping silent, it's awkward and scary!!!'

"You... are... a... demon?" He asked you.

'Oh shit. What will he do if I say yes?'


'What the fuck did I just say yes for?'

"You... why.. are... you... living... with... humans...?"

"Because I think it's peaceful, I love living with the people who I adore. They give me happiness" you smiled genuinely, maybe you were that 'I cAn chaNgE HiM😫😫😫💅💅💅💅' person or something. But worth a shot, no?

"How... tedious.."


A invisible arrow has shot through your heart.

He just called you boring. Yikes.

"Well.. it's not tedious if you just give it a shot" you slowly contained yourself.

"I... would.. never.. be... with... humans.. That... man... will... be... displeased"

"Oh him? Yeahhhhh but i couldn't careless. Muzan can come at me all he wants" you said.

Kokushibo's eyes widen. All six of em.

"You... said... his... name..?"


'Haha, Tamayo happened.' You thought to yourself.

"Well yeah, my body has been gone through a nice surgery."

Kokushibo immediately sheathed his katana.

"woah-" before you could say anymore Kokushibo muttered his breathing.

"Moon Breathing First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace" quickly came at you.


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